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英语翻译求助~~~摘要:截止到2008年4月10日,人民币对美元汇率中间价已升至1 美元兑换6.992 元人民币,相比年

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 23:24:17
摘要:截止到2008年4月10日,人民币对美元汇率中间价已升至1 美元兑换6.992 元人民币,相比年初升值超过4% ,2005 年7月汇率改革以来已累计升值约15%.我国作为世界经济舞台上的重要一员,人民币汇率的变动将牵动着亚洲各国乃至全世界的神经.我国目前经济高速增长,国际收支持续双顺差,外汇储备稳步增加,种种迹象都表明人民币升值存在很大的空间.本文就人民币升值压力的背景、对中国经济的危害性、对中国经济的利益性进行了具体分析.
End to Apr.10th, 2008, the exchange rate between chinese dollar to USA dollar has increased to 1 to 6.992. Compare with the begining of the year, the value has increased over 4%. The increase in value has increased 15% since the innovate of the exchange rate from July 2005. As an important member in the world financial stage, the alternative of the exchange rate of Chinese dollar will influnce the whole Asia, even the whole world's nerve. The economy of our country increase with a fast speed, the balance of payments keeps favourable balance, the storage of foreign exchange increase steadily. Everything shows that the space of the increase in value is huge. this artical analyze concretely based on the background of the increase in value's stress of Chinese dollar, the harmful aspect of Chinese economy and the benefit of Chinese economy.