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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 03:49:32
根据行业生命周期理论,在行业的不同发展阶段,企业应该采取不同的竞争战略来参与竞争,以便获得更大的发展,而进入国际市场就是一种比较有效的战略选择.企业进入国际市场有两个目的,一是获利,二是稳定.邓宁把跨国公司的海外投资动机归纳为资源寻求型、市场寻求型、效率寻求型、全球战略型.大多数学者认为,企业国际化是一个渐进的连续的过程.Johanson和Mattsson把国际化的企业划分为四种类型:早行动企业、孤独的国际化企业、晚行动企业和全球企业,并且认为四种类型的企业在国际化过程中会采取不同的策略. 影响一个企业进行国际化的因素包括外部因素和内部因素,外部因素包括目标国和所在国的市场、经济、政治和社会文化等方面的因素,它们对于企业的决策均有重大影响;内部因素是指与公司自身条件和所处行业相关的影响因素,包括公司战略、知识因素、内部资源投入因素和所在行业相关因素等.
关键字:民营经济 国际化策略 温州 竞争策略
Entered in twenty-first Century, the world economic globalization process accelerate, the free flow of production factors in the world, to strengthen their cooperation competition between enterprises, the prominent role of Multi-National Corporation in the world economic activities in the increasingly prominent. The trend of globalization determines the private enterprise can not leave the international market and the survival and development. Especially after the entry into WTO, according to the rules of WTO, China has to open the domestic market, so that the developed countries, capital, technology, products into China, "the domestic market internationalization, international competition in the home" of the new competition pattern basic formation. Whether we like it or not, private enterprises have been involved in this international competition.
According to the industry life cycle theory, different stages of development in the industry, the enterprise should adopt different competitive strategy to participate in the competition, in order to gain greater development, and enter the international market is an effective strategic choice. Enterprises to enter the international market has two purposes, one is to make a profit, the two is stable. Denning of the Multi-National Corporation's overseas investment motivation inductive seeking for resources, market seeking, efficiency seeking, global strategy. Most scholar thinks, the enterprise internationalization is a gradual and continuous process. Johanson and Mattsson put the internationalization of enterprises can be divided into four types: early action, the internationalization of enterprises, enterprises alone late action of enterprises and companies around the world, and that the four types of enterprises will adopt different strategies in the process of internationalization. Influence factors of a enterprise internationalization including external factors and internal factors, external factors, the target country and host country market, economic, political and social culture, they have a significant impact on the decision-making for enterprise; internal factors refers to the company's own conditions and the influence factors of industry related, including the company strategy, knowledge factors, internal resources and industry related factors.
For more than twenty years of reform and opening up, the private economy of Wenzhou in the process of internationalization, gained huge success, as of 2004, Wenzhou completed a total import and export volume of nearly $6000000000. In the process of internationalization, the development of private economy in Wenzhou is not everything is going smoothly., such as trade barriers, lower industrial, slow technological innovation, factor endowment restrictions and other issues have been plaguing Wenzhou private economy internationalization process. The author as a staff of Wenzhou economic and Technological Development Zone, the development of private economy in Wenzhou is very familiar with, on the one hand to feel the strong vitality of the private economy in Wenzhou, on the other hand, also saw some problems faced in the internationalization process of private economy in Wenzhou, and these problems are positive thinking, through the collection of information, enterprise surveys, case analysis and other methods, and puts forward some strategies for internationalization of the private economy.
The paper consists of five parts, the first part is about the enterprise internationalization theory summary; the second part introduces the history and characteristics of Wenzhou private economic development; the third part analyzes the current situation of Chinese private economy internationalization and problems; fourth part introduces the history and characteristics of Wenzhou private economy internationalization; the fifth part analysis the obstacle course of Wenzhou the private economy internationalization, and puts forward the countermeasures.
Keywords: private economic internationalization strategy of Wenzhou competitive strategy
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烦请翻译:(急)进入21世纪,世界经济全球化进程大大加速,生产要素在世界范围内自由流动,各国企业之间合作竞争增强,跨国公 英语翻译随着世界经济全球化和区域经济一体化进程的不断加快,各国经济合作和融合的程度大大增强.与此同时,中韩两国1992年 病句:随着经济全球化的进程不断加快,国际人口流动更加频繁.推动全球人力.资本.信息等生产要素的加速流动 A.进入21世纪,随着经济全球化进程的加快和知识经济的深入发展,国与国之间的竞争越来越集中到知识和人才方面. 高考改病句哪错了?随着经济全球化进程的不断加快,国际人口流动更加频繁,推动了全球人力、资本、信息等生产要素的加速流动、优 英语翻译“进入二十一世纪,不仅贸易与市场全球化而且经济全球化.随着经济与贸易的不断发展,进而竞争在无形商品之间展开.因而 自由流动怎么翻译呀?主要是生产要素方面的自由流动,大哥你这个好像不对 世上本无国,如果各国之间所有的人可以自由流动,那么世界各国人口分布会怎样?世界经济格局会怎样? 垄断竞争市场的特征有 () A,有许多企业 B,企业生产差别产品 C,需求曲线为水平线 D,自由进入 世界贸易组织在世界经济全球化进程中的作用是什么? 英语翻译要翻译比较准确点的,人工翻译在经济全球化的今天,企业之间的激烈竞争,产品的竞争,从某种意义上说是品牌的竞争,企业 英语翻译在世界经济日益全球化、竞争日益国际化的时代背景下,企业人才竞争日趋激烈,民营企业人才流失现象也随之加剧.据统计,