作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/30 14:16:46


再问: 帮我不可以嘛
再问: 我赶时间
再答: 你自己完成吧
再问: 求你了
再答: 你给我中文,我帮你翻译
再问: 好的
再问: 等下
再答: 有道翻译官很强悍的,连普通句子都能翻译出来,虽然不一定正确,但是正确率也是很高的
再问: 首先,要改正不良的饮食习惯,不吃早餐,
再问: 要保证一日三餐
再问: 爱吃零食的同学要远离垃圾食品
再问: 不吃水果,蔬菜要饮食均衡
再问: 很少运动要每周三至四次参加体育活动
再答: 你整理成一段话
再问: 首先,要改正不良的饮食习惯,不吃早餐,要保证一日三餐。爱吃零食的同学要远离垃圾食品,不吃水果,蔬菜要饮食均衡,很少运动要每周三至四次参加体育活动
再答: First of all, we need to give up unhealthy eating habits. Do not forget to eat breakfast, just to ensure the three meals a day. We should stay away from junk food rather than eating too much snacks.We need to eat more fruitand vegetables to keep a balanced diet. The one who is having little movements should play sports three or four times a week . That is all, thank you for your listening !你自己分段
再答: First of all, should your unhealthy eating habits, do not eat breakfast, to ensure that the three meals a day. Love to eat snacks classmate to stay away from junk food, not to eat fruit, vegetables to a balanced diet, little movement to three to four times a week to participate in sports activities这是有道翻译出来的,我对你的内容以及翻译出来的内容增加修改就是那些了。不过food 应该改为foods
再问: 恩
再答: 你应该有一定的英语基础吧?
再问: 有
再问: 但有的单词我们没学过
再答: First of all, we need to give up unhealthy eating habits. Do not forget to eat breakfast every morning , just to ensure the three meals a day. We should stay away from junk food rather than eating too much snacks.We need to eat more fruit and vegetables to keep a balanced diet. The one who is having little movements should play sports three or four times a week . That is all, thank you for your listening !你自己分段
再问: ?
再答: 稍微修改过的
再答: 学妹还是学弟?
再问: 学妹
再答: 你猜我是你学姐还是学长?
再问: 学姐?
再答: 学姐
再问: 你多大了
再答: 刚高中毕业一年
再答: 20
再问: 噢
再答: 你呢?高几?
再答: 高一的
再问: 我才初二
再答: 高三的话要100词左右的
再答: 好像高中英语作文的都是100词左右的
再问: 噢
再答: 如果超出80个词,更加能够得到阅卷老师的看好的
再答: 初中的英语作文最好能够有100个词左右
再问: 噢,一般都是60-80个词
再答: 这么点词,不可能拿或者说很难拿22分以上的