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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 17:19:55
书籍是信息的传播的途径,是对外宣传文化的工具.书籍在狭义上的理解是带有文字和图像的纸张的集合.广义的书则是一切传播信息的媒体.不过有些人认为图书一词是“河图”与“洛书”的简称.从现代书籍的产生和发展过程可以看出,它在逐步得到轻便、耐久,易于记载、复制文字和图画的材料上, 通过不断完善的技术手段,不受时间、空间的限制,传递信息,具有宣告、阐述、贮存与传播思想文化的功能.书籍是人类进步和文明的重要标志之一.热爱书籍吧!书籍是知识的源泉,只有书籍才能解救人类,只有知识才能使我们变成精神上坚强的、真正的、有理性的人.唯有这种人能真诚地热爱人,尊重人的劳动,衷心地赞赏人类永不停息的伟大劳动所创造的最美好的成果.
Books are the way to the dissemination of information,culture is a tool for outreach.Books in the narrow sense of the understanding that the paper with text and image collection.The book is all broad dissemination of information media.But some people think that the word book is "River Diagram" and "Luo Shu" for short.The emergence of modern books,and development can be seen,it progressively lightweight,durable,easy to record,copy the text and pictures of the material,through continuous improvement of technical means,without time and space constraints,transmission of information,with declared,expounded,storage and dissemination of ideological and cultural function.Books are an important symbol of progress and civilization is one.Love the book it!Books are a source of knowledge that only books can save mankind,and only knowledge can make us mentally strong,real,rational people.Only such people can really love people,respect for human labor,and sincerely appreciate the great man does not stand still created the best work results.