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英语翻译现在我给大家介绍的是:oxford reading tree 系列丛书.这些书给初学英文的小朋友看的,它分几个等

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 08:39:48
现在我给大家介绍的是:oxford reading tree 系列丛书.这些书给初学英文的小朋友看的,它分几个等级,随着等级增加,程度加深.例如STAGE 1 的书上有的是没有一个字的,只是有图片.stage 2开始会有一两个词或一个句子.等级5-6会有三-四个句子.逐级递增.我的孩子由半年前开始每天都在看,他非常喜欢.不过,这些书中出现频率最高的一句话是“oh ,no" 也许有的人会不喜欢.因为真的是每本书都差不多有这句话.
(6月3日 晚上前需要答案)
Now I introduce you to:oxford reading tree series of booksThese books for beginners of English children see.It points a few levels, with the increase of grades and deepening of grades.Such as STAGE 1 of the book is not a word.Just a picture.Stage 2 start there will be one or two words or a sentence.Level 5-6 there will be three - four sentences.Increasing step by step.
My children from six months ago start watching it every day.He like it very much.However,these books are the highest frequency in the sentence is "oh, no." Maybe some people don't like it.
Because you really is every book about this sentence.

Most of the content of these books are happened in some of the family.And the family members of some good or interesting things happened in school.

Hope you enjoy these books!