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愚公移山的翻译 80词左右 求学霸帮忙

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 15:50:35
愚公移山的翻译 80词左右 求学霸帮忙
再问: 这个故事。。。。
再答: 哦
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再答: In two, Wang Wu mountain, a radius of seven hundred, up to seven thousand or eight thousand feet. They originally located in Jizhou south, the north shore of the Yellow River. A man called foolish old man   hill in the north, nearly ninety years old, live to the mountains. Suffer from the mountains of the jam, access to taking the long way, so he called the whole family to discuss said: "you and I strain every nerve leveling the two mountain, (the road) through South Yuzhou, reached the South Bank of the Han River, okay?" we have agreed. His wife questioned said: "with your efforts, such as his father's hill is not leveled, the big line, Wang Wu how to do? Where to put the stone and mud?" they have said: "the debris into the north of Bohai, on the edge of hidden soil. "Three people so old man collar sun can carry a load (on the mountain), chisel Shijue soil, with a dustpan to earth to the edge of the Bohai. The neighbor widow named the capital has an orphan, was only seven or eight years old, (also) scamper to come to help. Summer to winter, and from a can.   Hequ wise man laughed at and stop the foolish old man said: "you are not smart! With you in the last few years, the remaining so little effort, also can't destroy a grass on the hill, and can do this mountain of debris?" "Yugong said with a sigh:" you thought don't get too stubborn, stubborn, even the widows, orphans are not. Even if I died, and my son ah; his son and grandson, grandson and son; the son of another son, son and grandson; son sun sun endless, but these two mountain is no longer a higher increase, also worry about what dug injustice? "Hequ Moses said nothing to say.   Yamagami aware of this matter, fear of old man digging beyond, it told the emperor. God was moved by the old man's sincerity, two sons command's e Hercules boast up two mountains. - seat placed in the North East, a seat placed in Yong 州南 department. Since then, the south of Jizhou, until the Han River in the south, no mountains blocking traffic.
再问: 怎么。。。不怎么清楚?
再答: 额
再答: In two, Wang Wu mountain, a radius of seven hundred, up to seven thousand or eight thousand feet. They originally located in Jizhou south, the north shore of the Yellow River. A man called foolish old man   hill in the north, nearly ninety years old, live to the mountains. Suffer from the mountains of the jam, access to taking the long way, so he called the whole family to discuss said: "you and I strain every nerve leveling the two mountain, (the road) through South Yuzhou, reached the South Bank of the Han River, okay?" we have agreed. His wife questioned said: "with your efforts, such as his father's hill is not leveled, the big line, Wang Wu how to do? Where to put the stone and mud?" they have said: "the debris into the north of Bohai, on the edge of hidden soil. "Three people so old man collar sun can carry a load (on the mountain), chisel Shijue soil, with a dustpan to earth to the edge of the Bohai. The neighbor widow named the capital has an orphan, was only seven or eight years old, (also) scamper to come to help. Summer to winter, and from a can.   Hequ wise man laughed at and stop the foolish old man said: "you are not smart! With you in the last few years, the remaining so little effort, also can't destroy a grass on the hill, and can do this mountain of debris?" "Yugong said with a sigh:" you thought don't get too stubborn, stubborn, even the widows, orphans are not. Even if I died, and my son ah; his son and grandson, grandson and son; the son of another son, son and grandson; son sun sun endless, but these two mountain is no longer a higher increase, also worry about what dug injustice? "Hequ Moses said nothing to say.   Yamagami aware of this matter, fear of old man digging beyond, it told the emperor. God was moved by the old man's sincerity, two sons command's e Hercules boast up two mountains. - seat placed in the North East, a seat placed in Yong 州南 department. Since then, the south of Jizhou, until the Han River in the south, no mountains blocking traffic.
再答: 太行、王屋两座山,方圆达七百里,高达七八千丈。它们原来位于冀州的南部、黄河北岸。 山北面有一位叫愚公的老人,年近九十岁了,向着大山居住。苦于大山的阻塞,出入要绕远路,于是他召集全家人商量说:"我和你们竭尽全力铲平这两座大山,(使道路)直通豫州南部,达到汉水南岸,好吗?"大家纷纷表示赞同。他的妻子提出疑问说:"凭您的力气,像魁父这样的小山丘也不能铲平,能把大行、王屋怎样呢?再说把石头和泥土往哪儿放呢?"大伙纷纷说:"把土石投到渤海边上、隐土的北面。"于是愚公率领子孙当中能挑担的三个人(上了山),凿石掘土,用箕畚把土石运到渤海边上。邻居姓京城的寡妇有个孤儿,才七八岁,(也)蹦蹦跳跳前来帮忙。夏去冬来,才能往返一次。 河曲智叟嘲笑并阻止愚公说:"你太不聪明了!就凭你在世上这最后的几年,剩下的这么点力气,还不能毁掉山上的一根草木,又能把这大山的土石怎么样?"北山愚公长叹了一口气说:"你思想太顽固,顽固得不开窍,连个寡妇、孤儿都比不上。即使我死了,还有我儿子在呀;儿子又生孙子,孙子又生儿子;儿子又有儿子,儿子又有孙子;子子孙孙永无穷尽,可是这两座山却不会再增高加大,还愁什么挖不平呢?"河曲智叟无话可答。 山神知道了这件事,害怕愚公挖山不止,就把这件事禀报天帝。天帝被愚公的诚心感动了,就命令大力神夸娥氏的两个儿子背起两座大山.-座放置在朔方东部,一座放置在雍州南部。从此,冀州的南部,直到汉水的南岸,再也没有高山阻隔交通了。
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