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英语翻译一九一二年的四月十,一艘号称永不沉没的巨轮 泰坦尼克号 开始了它万众瞩目的处女航.但是谁也没有料到,四天后的夜里

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 12:16:13
一九一二年的四月十,一艘号称永不沉没的巨轮 泰坦尼克号 开始了它万众瞩目的处女航.但是谁也没有料到,四天后的夜里,船会撞上了冰山,然后沉没,1500人葬身海底,它辉煌的一生也 从此划上了句号.当我们第一次看到这部电影的时候,那时的我们都还很年轻,年轻到在杰克为露丝作画时我们的脸会发烧,年轻到会为露丝登船前的回眸一笑而辗转反侧,年轻到看着杰克逐渐消失在黑色的大海中而让泪水肆意流淌.这一切都随着泰坦尼克号的沉没而深深地潜入我们心中.恍惚之间,泰坦尼克号的故事已经过去了一百年,而杰克与露丝的故事也过去了十四年,在这十四年间周围的人来来往往,那一年被杰克和露丝启蒙的爱情也变了摸样,最初学到的东西也许才是原原本本的真谛,只是我们可能在岁月的流逝中忘记了,真的爱情无关物质和欲望.
The claimed great unsinkable ship,Titanic, took her first departure on April 10th, 1912.Nobody had imaged, just in the fourth evening, the ship would ran into an iceburg then..sank. With 1500 lives taken by the ocean, the glorious story of Titanic has drew to an end. When first enjoyed this film we were so young, that we got blushed when young Jack did portraits for Rose; indulged ourselves into tears when Jack gradually merged with the blackness of the ocean. With the sinking Titanic all of these had profoundly engraved in our mind.Indistinct indistinct trance, 100 years flashed by after the story of Titanic, and also 14 years had passed from the story of Jack and Rose,during which people around us(me) came and went, and the affection sprouted by Titanic has already varied. Maybe what had been learnt initially was the original truth, but has forgotten as years went by, that ture love is free from material and desire.
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