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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 22:51:19
I cant tell you what to do
you will i think not listen to me
but i will say this i do not care if he is your first man to
make love to you the sex has no meaning if he can not respect
you and even worse he is not even trying to get things in
common with you
you are right i live too far from you to be more than your
but i think you have noticed that i not only listen to you
but try to think about what you are telling me
i am not sure he does that for you
i can not say i like him as a person
he is not as good as i am he might be better than me in every
way except one
but that one is more important than anything else
thats the ability to care for others
but its so much more than that
i not only care for others but i do not see diffrences i try
to see them for who they are and how we are the same
i see you friend has a lot of pain but it is wrong of him to put it all on you
that is why i do not like him
你好,我想再请你帮我翻译这个,因为你翻译的很好 你好,想请你帮个忙,我想翻译一篇藏文文章,希望你能给我一个藏文翻译网址或翻译器,帮我好吗.急用 你好,有要求你!你的英语很好.这事情只能交给你啊! 帮我翻译这土话吧!我只.你能行! 英语翻译能不能再帮我翻译一句。“我想知道你为什么不愿意和我在一起,请你用最直接的语言告诉我,因为我希望下次再碰见你这样的 你好,请问你是不是会英语翻译呢?能请你帮我翻译170多个字的论文摘要吗?中翻英,不要用字典翻的,谢谢! 你好 很感谢你 昨天帮我翻译 ! 你好,想请你帮我翻译几句话,不是要俄语,是用俄语话,用中文说出来。希望你能帮我翻译下,谢谢啦。 你好,朋友,上次你帮我翻译了几句法律英语,真的翻译得特别好,可以再帮我看一下这两句吗? 简单的法文翻译~这句话法文怎么讲~请附上拼音注音~1你好2你好吗3我很好,谢谢,你呢4我也很好 英语翻译这是我自己写的,广东话讲的不是很好,麻烦帮我翻译下好吗?关注你好多年,一直好中意你.我经常都会在网路上搜索你噶最 汉语翻译成英语你好,我是之前提问翻译的:因为是周末…听了音乐.不知你还记得吗?前一段你帮我译了,麻烦你帮我译一下剩下的. 你好我想问问男人对你说你真的很真是什么意思我不明白呢请你帮我解释一下求大神帮助