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英语翻译一般现在时:I make love with her everyday.一般过去时:I madelove wit

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/01 01:46:03
一般现在时:I make love with her everyday.
一般过去时:I madelove with her yesterday.
一般将来时:I will make love with her tomorrow.
现在进行时:I am making love with her
过去进行时:I was making love with her at this time yesterday
将来进行时:I will be making love with her at this time tomorrow.
现在完成时:I have made love with her by now.
过去完成时:I had made love with her before yesterday.
将来完成时:I will have made love with her by tomorrow.
现在完成进行时:I have been making love with her for two hours.
过去完成进行时:I had been making love with her for two hours when her husband came in.
将来完成进行时:I will have been making love with her for two hours when her husband wakes up tomorrow morning.
过去将来时: I didn't know if i would make love with her.我不确定我是否会和她做爱.
过去将来进行时:You told me that i would be making love with her next day.你告诉我我将在第二天和她做爱.
过去将来完成时:I guessed that Helen would have made love with her by the 8 o'clock.我猜海伦在8点以前会和她做爱的
By the end of the midnight he will have been making love with her for ten hours.到今晚12点他和她做爱就满十小时了.
再问: 亲爱的 回答的非常快 看上去也非常棒 先感谢一下啦 但是我希望是更接近例句意思的那种句子 而不是 否定句 猜测 海伦 8点 12点 他和她 10小时等这些新词 明白我的意思吧? 就是用最小的差异来干净利落的表现语法上的区别 或许 第一个词 都应该是I 不知道能否做到
再答: 因为这些时态需要时间和人物作为参照物,所以不能像前面3个时态的句型那么容易,加入的新词也是为时态做铺垫的
再问: 亲! 再帮忙好好想一想 拜托啦 我相信你能做到!
再答: 好吧 我尽力 我好奇的问下 你这是派什么用的啊 是工作还是学习还是个人爱好啊
再答: 好吧 我尽力 我好奇的问下 你这是派什么用的啊 是工作还是学习还是个人爱好啊
再问: 我语法奇烂无比 偶然发现这个帖子 令我茅塞顿开 遂查找另外四种 但是只找到你对之前例句的正确翻译 所以来问你啦~~ 哈哈 过去将来时: I didn't know if i would make love with her.我不确定我是否会和她做爱。 能否改成 我确定我会和她做爱 或者把我确定改成其他的 但是四句是统一的
再答: 好吧 我尽力 明天我要下班了
再问: 亲 找时间帮我弄一下呗 拜托啦