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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 20:49:48
merit increase 指的是加薪,那么merit是不是也是指的加薪?
(1) 商业辞典的定义:
Higher wage rate paid to an employee on the basis of an agreed upon criteria
such as efficiency and performance.Also called merit bonus.
(2) 其他网上资料
A merit increase is a performance-based increase in an employee〉s wages.
A merit increase can be applied to hourly or yearly wages.If an employee
is paid by the hour,he usually gets a merit increase in such a way that
he gets a higher per hour rate.For example,if he gets $10 per hour,after
the merit increase,he can get $11 per hour.If an employee is paid a yearly
salary,the merit increase may be a percentage of his salary.The percentage
depends on the company〉s policies on increases.
A merit increase is different from the normal across the board raise that
some companies implement on a regular basis,the aim of which is to offset
factors such as increased cost of living.In this sense,a merit increase
can be considered a bonus.A merit increase is dependent on the employee〉
s work performance and can be given on top of the standard raise.
However,it must be emphasized that there is a difference between a merit
increase,or raise,and a merit bonus.The difference lies in the duration
of the increase.A merit increase will affect the long term pay of the employee,
who gets a higher rate from the effectivity of the merit increase.A merit
bonus will simply give a lump sum in one go.
The criteria for a merit increase is typically made known to the employees,
in order for them to meet targets.The factors considered are,however,
different from one company to another.
Merit increase是按表现来作出的加薪.
再问: 谢谢! 明白merit increase是按表现来作出的加薪。 但我的合同里只写的是merit,没有increase一词,有加薪的含义吗?
再答: 有制度的公司 一般的加薪有兩種 可以任選其一 又可以兩者同時採用 其一是按通脹 即當地是年通脹若是4% 接著一年的加薪便是4% 對於中國的一般僱員來說 這是最好的 因為中國通脹高 7-8%應當有的 另一是按你所提出的merit 即是叫作’考勤‘ 這方法沒有按通脹般’靠譜‘ 有一些人可以超過10% 有些人可能沒有 但不要以為這將會是純考勤 也會你會慢慢發現 當中也許會有’人事因素‘ 當然 最好的是按通脹加薪 另外再有考勤的調整 你所提及的merit 如果是出現在聘用合約方面 通常會涉及 (1) 升職 (2) 薪酬調整 如果還是有疑問 可以提供有關的段落 當然是刪去隱私的內容 也許可以給你更為明確的意見 要是這樣 用我的qq:cybereader hi也可以 只是有時不小心就找不回
再问: 情况是这样的,合同里有写merit。从入职到现在连续几年都每年加薪10%左右,今年刚换了老板,到期却无端没给加薪,不知道能据此合同论理吗? 我的理解是merit主要是根据前一年的考评根据业绩而加的,前一年完成了任务就应该加,这样理解说得过去吗? 你的回答很专业很详细,谢谢!
再答: 你當然有理 但不要忘記剛換了老板 先可以做的是問問同事 如果大家都沒有加薪 也許可以等一等 要是其他的人加了 那麼就應當向上反應 容我在這裡給點意見 中國經濟正急速增長 若要能分享繁榮成果 牢牢記著以下的2點 如果本身的環境及條件容許 (1) 不要為沒前途的公司浪費青春 (2) 找尋本身受賞識的公司來賣力