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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/17 22:02:48
carry和bring require和ask apperance和experience
解题思路: 如下
carry和bring : carry和bring 都有“拿”的意思,但用法差别很大。
She carried a baby in her arms.她怀抱着一个小孩。
The veins carry blood to the heart.静脉把血液输送进心脏。
The teacher asked the students to bring their dictionaries to the class.老师要求学生上课把词典带来。
require和ask: require 表示按照法规、权利提出的要求或命令,指客观需要。 例如:
I have done all that is required by law.我已经按照法律规定把一切做好。
这个词往往后跟动名词的主动形式或者不定式的被动态,用法与need、want相类似: My watch requires/needs/wants repairing/to be repaired。
ask 一般用的比较多,比较通俗,语气也较客气。 例如:
He asked his mother to wake him at six in the morning. 他让他母亲早上六点叫醒他。
appearance和experience :appearance 指"人或物的外表",appearance 在指人时,往往包括衣着, 如:
  His appearance is very neat.
  在指一般事物时, 往往含有外表和实质不一致的概念, 如:
  Do not judge according to the appearance.
  不要从事物的外表来判断。 experience的用法:
1. 用作名词,表示“经验”“体验”,是不可数名词;而表示“经历”“感受”,通常是可数名词。如:
Experience is the best teacher. 经验是最好的老师。
I know from experience that he will arrive late. 据我的经验,他会迟到的。
He had many interesting experiences while travelling inAfrica. 他在非洲旅行时,有很多有趣的经历。
表示做某事的经验,其后通常不接不定式,而接 in [of] doingsth。如:
He has had many years’ experience in [of] wheat planting / planting wheat]. 他有多年种小麦的经验。
He has had much experience in [of] this kind of work. 他有丰富的经验做这项工作。
比较:experiece in [of] teaching=teaching experience(教学经验)
2. 用作动词,表示“体验”“经历”等,只用作及物动词。如:
The child had never experienced kindness. 这孩子从未受过善待。
He experienced great hardships for the first time in his
life. 他有生以来第一次体验到巨大的艰苦。
He’s quite experienced in [at] teaching beginners. 他在教初学者方面很有经验。
Even experienced teachers can make mistakes. 即使有经验的教师也可能犯错误。