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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/07 01:23:46
On Dying Hair
Nowadays,dying hair is becoming more and more popular.Indeed,the phenomenon reflects the drastic improvement of life conditions and the how much do the Chinese people value beauty.However,it is by no means beneficial for high school students to join the army of hair-dyers as it is unnecessary and poses hazard to their health,both physically and mentally.
It is utterly unecessary for young people,espcial teenagers to dye thier hair.Youth is a great gift of nature.And in this stage of life,we are beautiful in a natural way.In fact it is so precious and transient that we may mourn for the lost of it when we are old.So why hasten to to put on the fake colors and replace the beauty born to us with artificial paints.
Moreover,it is unhealthy for teenagers to dye their hair.The material and process of dying hair can cause damage to the skin.Its residue may even get into the blood and poison the student slowly.Teenagers earn no bread while hair-dying is anything but inexpensive.Wasting money on such unnecessary things can affect the development of a sound value of money.
All in all,hair-dying is not suitable for teenagers.The society,including the families,schools and media should contain the spread of the fad so that our youth can grow up in a heathy and bright environment.
英语小作文,急.如今染发成了一种时尚,不少高中生也因此悄悄染起了头发,请就此现象谈谈你的看法.字数100~120左右 英语作文:关于乞巧节如今过洋节似乎成了年轻人的一种时尚,而中国传统节日却备受冷落,因此,有人提议将乞巧节作为法定节日.请 不少中国人轻视了母语的学习,简要谈谈你对这一现象的看法 暑假即将来临,很多学生打算在假期做兼职,请就此谈谈你的看法 写一篇英语作文 高一英语作文如今过洋节几乎成了年轻人的一种时尚.而中国传统节日却备受很冷落,因此,有人提议将乞巧节作为法定节日.1乞巧节 英语作文 60词左右如今,电视节目已经成为人们日常生活的一个重要部分,有许多学生沉溺其中,你是怎样看待这一现象的?请就此 某历史文化名城为了修建公路,就该市唐代的古城墙拆了,就此,谈谈你的看法.写一篇100字的英语短文. 有人说:文化既是一种精神力量,也是一种物质力量. 请就此谈谈你的看法. 有人说:人触电是因为被电“吸”住了,就此谈谈你的看法 如今,人们的生活水平提高了,消费观念改变了,奢侈浪费的行为也悄悄成了部分人的时髦,针对这一现象, 英语作文时下,买车成了一种时尚越来越多的人买车了.有些人即使离工作单位很近,也愿意开车上班.对此,你有何看法?写一篇文章 有人说:大运河的开通是隋朝两代皇帝共同努力的结果,请就此谈谈你的看法 急