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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/27 20:25:13
The armor cooking oil limited liability company and the second gradefarmer company has signed a business contract.Both sides agree in thecontract:"Provides the high quality rice 100 tons by 乙方,thedelivery date is on July 20,2002,the price for each kilogram 2.20Yuan,sends a vehicle by the party of the first part in 乙方 thewarehouse approval delivery,on 10th pays money." The contract alsostipulated that,If has the special change,take informs as.
After the contract signs,乙方 generates electricity notice theparty of the first part on June 15,because the special reason,thefarmer company temporarily could not organize such many rice,therefore the delivery date postponed to July 30.After China Cereals,Oils and Fats Corporation receives the telegram,thought postponesalso does not have the tremendous influence to July 30,has not giventhe answer.
To July,after the new rice goes on the market,the armor discoveredand the second grade subscribes the rice price too is high,thengenerates electricity on July 12 the notice second grade "to reducethe price,otherwise will give to terminate a contract".After thesecond grade receives the telegram the returned telegram "the price tobe allowed to fall on July 15 to each kilogram 1.80 Yuan,please按约 decides the time incoming vehicle to take the goods".The armorthought the price is also high,thereupon has not wired back,the duehas not taken delivery of goods.The second grade sees the armor notto honor an agreement the sincerity,thereupon the rice which alreadyprepares by each kilogram 2.0 Yuan prices sold to in August 5 thethird company.The latter second grade breaks a contract take thearmor as requests the armor compensation rice price difference 20,000Yuan.The armor stated that,in the contract wrote plainly,if has thespecial change,take informs as.We have fulfilled the notice duty,isyou arbitrarily changes the contract to fulfill the deadline in first.Both sides are unyielding,the second grade sues to the court.
(1)The armor,which should the second grade business contract deliverydate for one day?
英语翻译甲粮油有限责任公司与乙农工商公司签订了一份买卖合同.双方在合同中约定:“由乙方提供优质大米100吨,交货日期为2 甲乙丙公司,签订一份买卖合同,双方约定由甲向乙提供100吨货物,7月28日,甲与乙又订立了货物运输合同, 经济法案例分析题,甲公司与乙公司签订一份买卖合同,双方约定:甲公司向乙公司供应优质化肥100吨,甲公司送货上门;乙公司收 1.甲乙签订货物买卖合同,约定由甲代办托运.甲遂与丙签订运输合同,合同中载明乙为收货人.运输途中,因丙的驾驶员丁的重大果 国际经济法中国万利达有限责任公司与意大利赫尔曼有限责任公司签订了一份由万利达公司向赫尔曼公司出售100桶蜜饯苹果的合同, 英语翻译在平等互惠、互相扶持、共同发展的基础上,甲方和乙方双方经过充分协商,共同签订本合同.由乙方向甲方提供合同规定的产 合同法作业,甲为一著名相声表演艺术家,乙为一家演出公司.甲、乙之间签订了一份演出合同,约定甲在乙主办的一场演出中出演一个 一道经济法案例题!甲公司与乙公司订立了水泥买卖合同约定了交货的时间和交付地点. 奥鹏东财合同法作业1.甲、乙签订一份试用买卖合同,但没有约定试用期.之后,双方对是否购买标的物没有达成协议.下列哪些说法 经济法的一道判断题甲乙双方签订伪造白酒合同,协议约定首先协商,如协商不成由乙方所在地仲裁机构仲裁解决,甲乙发生争议,但贾 英语翻译XXXX年X月XX日,甲乙双方经协商签订了一份,现租赁期限即将届满,鉴于双方在履行该合同的过程中合作得比较愉快, 甲演出公司与某当红歌星签订演出合同,双方约定,甲公司应于4月30日支付乙出场费,乙于5月1日晚在甲举办的演唱会上演唱歌曲