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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 22:08:56
球王贝利的故事告诉我们人穷但志不能短.有的时候长江后浪推前浪一浪更比一浪高.不要因为一些上一辈的缘故放弃我们的梦想就如贝利一样既然有梦想去追就好了.而且我们一定要把握住一切可以实现梦想的机会不管结局如何起码我们亲自走过人生不会留下遗憾.为了实现我们的梦想我们要努力的学习成功在彼岸给我们招手.在我们的人生中不免有很多人想贝利一样在走向辉煌的那一刻因为某些原因受了伤可是用他的贝利坚强告诉我们没有什么是过不去的.对啊我们每个人都有如此乐观的心态 相信梦想不会与我们擦肩而过的当我们成功以后不要忘记曾经帮助过我们的人要不是有他们的帮助我们很难取得成就我们要用报答的心态变对社会给社会作贡献奉献自己的爱关爱身边的人.这就是我读的贝利故事.我的人生又多了点感悟多了点方向.谢谢你贝利.Pele's story tells us,the people are poor,but can go rather short.Sometimes,the waves pushed forward waves,a wave more than one wave.Not because some of the previous generation's sake,give up our dreams,like Pele,since there is a dream,chase like.And we must seize all the opportunity to realize their dreams,no matter what the outcome,at least we personally walked,life will not regret it.In order to realize our dreams,we must strive to learning,success beckons to us on the other side.In our life,can not help but have a lot of people would like Pele,toward a glorious moment,the injured because for some reason,but to tell us with his Pele strong,Nothing to make life difficult.,Each of us has such an optimistic attitude .Believe that dream will not pass us by.When we are successful,do not forget who helped our people,but for their help,very difficult for us to achieve something,we have to use to repay the mentality change of society,to contribute to society,to give their love and care around the people.This is what I read the story of this is what I read the story of Pele.My life sentiment a little too much,a little too much direction.Thank you Pele..