作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

很难!时态和虚拟的几个语法问题 大师专家来帮忙看下 非常感谢!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 10:39:07
很难!时态和虚拟的几个语法问题 大师专家来帮忙看下 非常感谢!
1.He left when I got there.和 He left when I had got there这2句话的意思有什么区别?
2.I learned English for 10 years. ,I have learned English for 10 years.和I have been learning English for 10 years.这3句话的意思有什么区别?
3.If only I would have known the facts .与If only I had known the facts这2句话有什么区别?
4.If only he were to explain(或shoud explain) what he means.这句话对不对,为什么?
5.He talks about Rome as if he would have been there.这句话对不对,为什么?
He left when I got there.和 He left when I had got there这2句话 都是错句 应该是He had left when I got there

2.I learned English for 10 years. ,I  have learned English for 10 years.和I have been learning English for 10 years.这3句话的意思 1 叙述过去的事情 与现在无关 我学过十年英语2我学英语已经十年了3 十年来我一直在学英语

3.If only I would have known the facts .与If only I had known the facts这2句话 前者是错句 要是我当时知道真相就好了.表示与过去情况相反.
4.If only he were to explain(或should explain) what he means.这句话 缺主句  但也可能是主句省略 了  .所以 语法 并不错 .与将来情况可能相反.
5.He talks about Rome as if he would have been there.这句话不对,应该是 as if he had  been there 这是虚拟语气 表示与实际情况相反.
再问: 3.ǰ��Ϊʲô�����أ����ȥ�෴������would have done��had done�� 4.��仰Ϊʲôȱ�����أ�����أ�if only he would explain what he means 5.�������ȥ�෴Ϊʲô��������as if he would have done����Ҫ��as if he had done�أ�
再答: 3.���ȥ�෴ ������would have done ������������had done If only I had known the facts����ʡ������ �� ���ȥ �෴ ������ ������ Ӧ���ù�ȥ���ʱ ������ ��ȥ�������ʱ 4.if only he would explain what he means��Ҳ�� �뽫������������෴�� ���������� ʡ�������� ��˼�� ��Ҫ��Ը����� ��ʲô��˼ �ͺ��ˡ� Ҳ���� ��Ը����� �����˼��5.�������ȥ�෴��������as if he would have done��Ϊ ���ǹ�ȥ�������ʱ�����߼����� ��ֻ����as if he had done
再问: 1.If only�������������䣬��if only he would explain what he means����ô����would have done����as if���Ϊʲô���������أ� 2.��������ǣ��е����������������ʹ�õ�would+ have done/ do���е�ȴֻ���ôӾ�ʹ�õ�had done��did��Ҫ��ô�ֱ棿
再答: if only he would explain what he means���õ��� would do ���� would have done ���� ��ʾ �뽫�� ����������෴ �� �������� ����������෴would����̬���� as if��ĴӾ� ���� �� would do��did ��had done�������� would have done
再问: Ϊʲô������would do�������would have done�� ����ǰ��2������ 1.��2�仰Ϊʲô�����أ���������ôһ�仰when i got home ��the children went to bed�� 2.��1�䣬2���3����10���ѧ��2��ѧ��10����3��һֱѧ��10����ʲô���
再答: �Ӿ��п�����would do ��ʾ �뽫�������෴ ���������� ��would have done�ڴӾ������������ û�� �������Ҫ ���� �Ӿ��� ������ would have done��ʾ��������1.��2�仰Ϊʲô���� ��Ϊ����� �߼� ������һ�仰when i got home ��the children went to bed��Ҳ��������ľ��� ��Ϊ when i got home��ʱ��� ��ʱ��Ŀ̶� ����ʱ��ij��� ���� Ӧ���� ��ȥ����ʱ �� ��ȥ���ʱ ���ȥ����ʱ һ�㲻���� һ���ȥʱ̬ 2.��1�䣬ֻ������һ����ʵ ��ȥѧ��10�� ������û��ϵ ���ڿ��ܲ�ѧ�� Ҳ���� ��ѧ�� 2��ѧ��10�� ǿ������ �ӿ�ʼѧ ������ �Ѿ�ʮ�� ���ڻ���ѧϰ��״̬ 3����2������ ���� ǿ�������IJ���� һֱѧ��10�� Ҳ�� ���� ����ѧ
再问: 2���3�䣬10���Ժ�ѧ��
再答: 2���3�䣬����10���Ժ�ѧ ���� �Ѿ�ѧʮ���� ���ڻ���ѧ
再问: �Ǵ��������ѧ��
再答: ˵��ʱ ���� ѧ ��״̬ Ҳ����ָ�� ˵��ʱ ���ֽ׶� ����ѧ �뽫���޹�