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英语翻译请不要用翻译软件直译,请高手翻译该段文字,文段如下:梅尧臣被尊为宋诗的“开山祖师”(刘克庄《后村诗话》) 和“开

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 16:16:45
梅尧臣被尊为宋诗的“开山祖师”(刘克庄《后村诗话》) 和“开宋诗一代之面目者”(叶燮《原诗》) ,对宋诗独特气质的形成做出了巨大贡献,对后世诗歌的影响也十分重大.学界普遍以“平淡”一词来形容他的诗风,未免过于片面单一.其实,在不同的了历史时期,他的诗歌存在着很多的变化.本文笔者将结合梅诗的创作背景来探究梅尧臣诗风的嬗变过程.
Mei Yaochen is regarded as the "originator" of Song dynasty's poems and "the master of Song dynasty's poems".He countributed to the forming of Song dynasty's poems' unique temprerament and had a important infection to the generation.Acdemic circles usually describe his poetry style as "wateriness" which is a little unilateralism and singularity.In fact,during different period of historical era,his poems existed many changes.This assey investigated the changing process of Mei Yaochen's poems by combining the creative background.
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