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英语翻译If the truly successful manage never to be busy,it is al

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 22:52:06
If the truly successful manage never to be busy,it is also true that many of the busiest people will never be successful.I know this firsthand from my experience,many years ago,as a waitress.Any executive who thinks the ultimate in busyness consists of having two important phone calls on hold and a major deadline in twenty minutes,should try facing six tablefuls of clients simultaneously demanding that you give them their checks,fresh coffee,a baby seat,and a warm,spontaneous smile.Even when she’s not busy,a waitress has to look busy—refilling the salt shakers and polishing all the chrome in sight—but the only reward is the minimum wage and any change that gets left on the tables.Much the same is true of other high-stress jobs,like working as a telephone operator,or doing data entry on one of the new machines that monitors your speed as you work:“success” means surviving the shift.
如果”成功的人都能够让自己不繁忙“是一个事实的话,那么“许多最忙的人永远都不会成功"也是事实.这个经验是从我在许多年前作为一个服务生而得知的.任何一个认为生意中最忙的时刻会是有两个正在等待中的重要电话和一个重要的截止期限的高级总管应该尝试一下面对6满桌子的客人不停地向你要账单、新鲜的咖啡,一个婴儿座椅,和一个持久的温和的笑容.即使当一个服务生不忙的时候,她也一定要看起来很忙----填充盐瓶,把能看见的污渍都擦看景-- 不过唯一一个奖励则是保底工资和桌子上所遗留下的任何零钱.这与其他更高层的工作都是相同的,例如作为一个电话接线员,或者是对为你工作效率做出评价的机器输入程序:“成功“的意思是在你的轮班之后依然生存(存货).