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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 20:27:31
Without the customer on ***'s sheet,This is using *** customer.They pay on quarterly basis.We are discuss with them about subscription in 2011.
因为这个客户是两年一签的客户,所以在2010年,它是0 revenue,他们将在2011年续约.
Because Customer had signed two-year contract in 2009,So “0 revenue ,”in 2010.
They will be subscription in 2011.
Without the customer on **'s sheet,This is using CV customer.
Company business is Chinese medical regimen training.Subscription is uncertain
** is a subsidiary of Google Company .Because Google retreat from China ,The case has been a bad debt.
The case look a little different ,Because Company business is Chinese medical regimen training.
Their staff has 1-2 people ,We are discuss with ***about next year's operation plan.
Without the customer on ***'s sheet, This is the customer using *****. They pay on quarterly basis. We are currently discussing with them about subscription in 2011.
Because Customer had signed two-year contract in 2009,its “0 revenue ,”in 2010.
They will be renewed in 2011.
The cutomer does not belong in the ****sheet. This is a customer using **** product. Company business is Chinese medical regimen training. Subscription is uncertain
** is a subsidiary of Google Company .Because of Google's retreat from China ,The case has been a bad debt.
The case looks a little different ,Because the Company business is Chinese medical regimen training.
Their staff has 1-2 people , We are discuss with ***about next year's operation plan.
英语翻译在***的sheet中没有这个客户,这是一个使用**产品的客户,他们是季度付款,我们正在和他们讨论关于2011的 英语翻译他们没有通过我们去采购产品.他们没有通过我们,而是直接去和客户谈判.这里的通过,经过用什么词或者短语? 根据我们以前的制造经验这个是没有问题的,在使用的客户中也没有对此提出问题.英语怎么说啊~急的了 求一句英语翻译“北京分公司没有喜欢这个产品的客户” 我遇到了一个问题,我们的客户说他们使用我们的cover glass 和malinol.但是放一两天后在显微镜下会出现像雪 如果你是一个生产基因工程产品的农场的经营者,你将如何向客户解释你的产品,并让他们放心的购买你的产品 英语翻译在外贸洽谈中,客户最后没有采纳我的方案,我们对他们这样的决定感到很失望. 英语翻译1.客户是全公司最重要的人,不管是出现在面前还是在信函中.2.客户不依赖我们,而我们要依赖客户.3.客户不是对我 英语翻译客户给了一个款号,跟之前做样品的款号一样,想客户确认一下这个款XX是不是就是我们正在做样品的XX款呢,意思是这样 英语翻译将产品在使用中遇到的一些问题发布出来,供客户查阅.与客户进行沟通,聆听客户对于新产品的建议,增加客户的参与感.发 英语翻译1、他们和我司拥有非常良好的合作关系,可以完全满足我们的需求.2、我们是合作伙伴,我们有着共同的利益,在满足客户 英语翻译这是一个很久未下单的老客户发来的邮件,一年多以前有给他们做过模具,现在他们好像又有一批模具要开,之前我不在这个公