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英语翻译The resulting deep yellow oil was dissolved in 200 ml of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 05:32:07
The resulting deep yellow oil was dissolved in 200 ml of pyridine and 100 ml of water was dropped in
slowly while stirring in an ice bath.a After stirring for 10 min at room temperature,hexane-ethyl acetate (1:l) and water were introduced.The organic layer was separated and after washing with base,acid,and water,it was dried over magnesium sulfate and concentrated to give 41.2 g of a yellow solid.At this point the only contaminants remaining were the keto acetate 3 and a small amount of starting olefin 1.Distillation afforded 27.9 g (48% yield) of dione 2,bp 83-85' (0.1 mm),mp 42.5-43.5';' the pot contained 12.3 g of essentially pure keto acetate 3.Using methanolic potassium hydroxide the keto acetate was hydrolyzed to the a-hydroxy ketone which in the same
reaction vessel,following the procedure of Blomquist and Goldstein,* was oxidized by cupric acetate to dione 2 in 90% yield (9.1 g) This raised the total isolated yield of a-diketone 2 to 37.0 g (63 %).
Reaction 2 was also performed on a large scale and 42.1 g(O.300 mol) of 1-decene (5) was transformed to 22.7 g (36% isolated yield) of keto acetate 6,mp 49-55°.9 With the following exceptions the procedure was identical with that described for oxidation of 1.108 g of anhydrous potassium acetatelo was added to the reaction mixture before permanganate addition ;
after permanganate addition,stirring was continued in the ice-salt bath for 5 hr.
将所产生的深黄色油脂溶解于200 ml的吡啶,然后在冰浴中搅动时,缓慢地滴进100 ml的水.在室温下搅动10分钟后,再加入正己烷乙酸乙酯和水(1:l) .将有机层分离后,以碱、酸和水冲洗,然后在硫酸镁上面烘干并浓缩成41.2克的黄色固体.此刻残余污染物只有酮乙醋酸酯3和少量开始时的烯烃1.蒸馏后得出27.9克二酮2(48%产率),沸点83-85度(0.1mm),熔点32.5-43.5度;锅内含有12.3克基本是纯正的酮乙醋酸酯3.使用氢氧化钾的甲醇液将酮乙醋酸酯水解成α-羟基酮;然后在同一个反应容器内,按照Blomquist和Goldstein的步骤,使用乙酸铜将之氧化成二酮2.(产率90%,9.1克).这将α-二酮2的总分离产率提升至37.0克(63%).
反应2也大规模地进行,42.1克(O.300mol) 的1-癸烯被转化为22.7克(分离产率36%)酮乙醋酸酯6,熔点49-55.9度.除了下面的例外,其他步骤与1所阐述的氧化过程是同样的.将108克的无水乙酸钾加入到反应混合液,接着添加高锰酸,然后在冰盐浴中持续搅拌5个小时.