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英语翻译The main advantage of the matching method is the ability

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 17:57:47
The main advantage of the matching method is the ability to control for
endogeneity.The idea behind the propensity score-matching estimator is that for
every firm that performs S&T,we identify an “identical” firm that does not perform
any S&T.We then compare job growth in the treated group (performs S&T) and the
control group (does not perform S&T).
14 The treatment is deªned by the S&T
dummy variable (S&T_dummyi,t\21),namely,whether firm i performs S&T activities
or not at time t 1,and employment growth (\x0bXi) is the outcome variable.We use a
set of lagged firm characteristics (Firmi,t\21),such as firm size,labor productivity,ex-
port-share,import-share,capital-intensity,and industry affiliation at the two-digit
level (Industryj) to identify similar firms and perform the matching of treated and
control firms.The propensity score is estimated as:
匹配方法主要的优势在于它对内生性控制的能力.在执行这种倾向评分匹配的评价者背后有一种观点,那就是对于任何一个从事与科技有关业务的公司来说,我们把它区别于一个“等同的”不从事与科技有关业务的公司.然后,我们把处理过的团体(从事与科技有关业务)与控制团体(不从事与科技有关业务)两者的就业增长率进行比较.这种处理方法由科技虚拟变量来决定的,也就是说无论公司i在时间t1 是否从事科技活动,就业增长率X1都是结果变量.我们使用一套公司滞后特性(firmi,t1 1)(如公司规模、劳动生产率、出口份额,进口份额、资本密集度和两位数标准(industry j)上的所属行业)来确定相似的公司并执行处理过的公司和控制公司的匹配.这种倾向评分估计如下: