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1.It's a little hot in the room.Will you please keep the win

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 08:59:39
1.It's a little hot in the room.Will you please keep the windows ___?
A.open B.opened C.opening [why选A不选C]
2.—I had a relly wonderful time in Beijing.It's one of the most beautiful cities in China.
—________.[why 选D不选A]
A.It's a pleasure B.Good,thank you C.Enjoy yourself D.Oh,I'm glad to hear that
3.It's very nice__you to get me two tickets___the World Cup.
A.for;of B.of;for C.to;for D.of;to [why选B不选D]
4.—What did Mr Jones do before he moced here?
—He___a city bus for over twenty-five years.
A.is driving B.drove C.has driven D.drives [why选B不选C]
5.Ann si so careful that she always goes over her exercises to___there are no mistakes.
A.look for B.make sure C.find out D.think about [why选B不选A]
6.—What's the population of China?
—China has___population of 1200 million.
A.a B.the [why选A不选B]
7.Neither of Tom's parents____to church on Sunday.
A.has gone B.have gone C.goes D.go [why选C不选A]
8.Something must be done to__young people not to smoke.
A.shutting B.to shut [why选B不选A]
9.He sent me an E-mail,___to get further information.
A.hoped B.hoping C.to hope D.hope [why选B不选C]
10.He left the meeting early because he had to___his son from school.
A.pick up B.put up C.take up D.bring up [why选A不选C]
1、keep sth adj,表示让某物处于某种状态.open在这是形容词(adj),而opening也可以做形容词,但意思是"开始的",在这意思就不对了
2、It's a pleasure 是别人感谢你的时候,你回答的,意思是“不用谢”.而如果别人求你去做某事的时候,你要答应他,就回答“with my pleasure”.I'm glad to hear that的意思是“听到这些我很高兴”,那明显说这话的人是中国人了.
5、look for是“寻找”,make sure是“确保”,你是“多次检查寻找没有错误”,还是“多次检查确保没有错误”啊?
7、on Sunday是周日,说明这道题考的是将来时,A,B都是完成时,首先排除.那你可能会问,这里没有will,也没有be going to啊?英语中,可以用一般现在时表将来,而go就有这个功能,come,arrive,leave,start,begin也有这个性质.Neither of Tom's parents是单数,所以选goes
8、it must be done to do sth这是个固定的结构,后面的to do sth才是真正的主语,表示“为了...”,而it只是形式主语.to do sth放在后面,主要是英语中为了避免句子头重脚轻.
9、hoping是伴随状语,而to hope是目的状语.如果没有中间的逗号,我觉得C也可以,但有了中间的逗号,就表示伴随.
10、pick up意思很多,有“拾起,接人”等意思;而take up 是“占据(时间,空间),从事”的意思,接他儿子,肯定就用pick up了嘛!这道题就是考你短语的辨析,记住就得分了!
再问: 9.如果他的意思是:他寄给我邮件是为了。。。所以就应该用 to do sth.啊?
再答: 如果是翻译的话,你可以这么翻译。但是在欧美国家,寄信通常伴随着某种目的,所以一般是用伴随状语,但伴随状语通常有逗号和前面的句子隔开,目的是怕引起误解。