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英语翻译1Nearly everyone agrees that money doesn't buy as much a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 16:58:34
1Nearly everyone agrees that money doesn't buy as much as it used to,no matter where you want to spend it
2Inflation eats away at its buying power just as the steady appetite of waves chews at sand cliffs.But what about coins that seem to do very little except clutter up purses?
3One reason is that coins,being more durable ,fall more readily into a category for collectors
1 大多数人都承认现在的钱买到的东西不如以前多了,不管你花在什么方面.
2 通货膨胀消耗掉的购买力就像海浪冲刷着沙滩一样一浪接着一浪.而硬币如今除了把你的钱包弄乱还有什么作用呢?
3 有一个原因,硬币因为其耐久性,已经更多的成为了收藏家的藏品了(而不是货币).