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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/01 19:58:18
第二,从关注的对象来说,三篇文章的一个相同点即都重点关注了处于劣势的雇员,探讨了他们所处的情况.三位作者都以被认为不需要很高技能的雇员为出发点,重点勾勒了这些雇员的生活现状.比如,someone文指出在金钱是绝对标准的社会下,雇员就是整个产业链的牺牲品,他们只能被雇主毫不留情的剥削;Robert文分析了雇员在生产活动被标准化的时代只能按部就班,毫无创造力可言的现状.Low文看重每份工作的技能.然而,虽然他们关注的对象都是雇员,但是三篇文章的不同点在于对雇员所持的态度却截然不同.Some文的作者用激进的语言指出雇员深陷被剥削的境地,指出雇员从劳动得到的远远达不到他们所付出的.Robert文指出所有的低收入雇员都被” 绑” 在了产业链上,他们没有任何的自我发展的余地.Low文指出所有的雇员虽然工作在看似简单的岗位上,然而他们需要使用各种技能去完成工作,他们的工作技能应该被给予尊重.
第二, 从关注的对象来说,三篇文章的一个相同点即都重点关注了处于劣势的雇员,探讨了他们所处的情况.
In the second place, from the focus of speaking, one of the three articles or focus on the similarities disadvantage employees, discusses the situation that they.
The three authors to was not deemed need high skilled employees as the starting point, the outline of these employees on current life.
For example, your article points out that in the money is absolute standard, the society is the victim of whole industry chain employees, they can only be employers remorseless exploitation;
Robert article analyzes standardization activities of production employees in the era of step-by-step, no creativity only devoid of the status quo.
Low rodman value each job skills.
然而, 虽然他们关注的对象都是雇员,但是三篇文章的不同点在于对雇员所持的态度却截然不同.
However, although they are the focus of employees, but three articles for employees the differentia depends on the attitudes are totally different.
The authors use radical move wen pointed out in the language of the exploited employees, and points out that the employee situation from labor get far less than they gave.
Robert文指出所有的低收入雇员都被” 绑” 在了产业链上,他们没有任何的自我发展的余地.
Robert wen pointed out that all the low-income employees were "in the tie" chains, they don't have any self development room.
Low wen pointed out that all employees though working in the seemingly simple post, but they need to use all kinds of skills to complete the work, their work skills should be given the respect.