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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/29 03:26:43
握手的时间.握手的时间不宜太长,也不宜太短,国际上通用的标准是三秒钟左右.但老朋友重逢,或谈判中达成了一项重大协议,或谈判成功签字后,握手的时间可略长.握手的顺序.女士先伸出手,男 士一般不先伸出手.在场人员较多时,要稳步寻找握手对象,防正交叉握手、争手的情况发生.握手时伴随的动作.握手时,双眼要正视对方,面带微笑,以示致意;不可东张西望,或面无表情.当然,在有些国家见面时并不握手,譬如日本常采用鞠躬的方式,泰国采用双手合十的方式,法国人采用亲吻的方式,阿根廷人不仅亲吻而且拥抱,男人亲吻女人,女人亲吻女人,但男人不亲吻男人.而在大多数非洲国家中,习惯用身体打招呼一长时间地把手放在客人的肩上.至于选择采用何种见面礼仪,应视不同文化而定,入乡随俗是上策.
事例2 左手引起的麻烦
3.meets etiquette to meet is in commercial negotiations key activities.Meets the etiquette mainly to include the introduction etiquette and the handshake etiquette.The introduction is generally the bilateral hosts discussed introduces oneself group respectively member.The order is woman first,position high first.The name usually is “woman”,“young lady”,“gentleman”.The Chinese has a name to be called “comrade”,translates English is “Comrade ,in West's certain countries,the meaning is “the homosexuality”,thinks avoids misunderstanding,should be forbid this word in the commercial negotiations.the handshake is the Chinese most commonly used one kind of gift on first meeting,is also internationally the general courtesy.The handshake apparents simply,but this small movement is actually relating individual and company's image,affects to the negotiations success.
Handshake dynamics.Chinese first meeting,usually is grasps to is a standard,generally cannot be overweight.But Europe,the beautiful woman like making an effort to shake opposite party hand,grasps too lightly,was considered that is weak,does not have the confidence performance.handshake time.The handshake time is not suitable is too long,is also not suitable is too short,internationally the general standard is about three seconds.But the old friend has a reunion,either in the negotiations reached a significant agreement,after either negotiates the successful signature,the handshake time may be slightly long.Handshake order.Woman puts out a hand first,the gentleman puts out a hand not first generally.The personnel when on the scene are many,must seek for the handshake object with steady steps,against overlapping handshake,struggle hand's situation occurrence.When handshake follows movement.When handshake,both eyes must face up to opposite party,is with smile on the face,shows to express best wishes; Cannot look around,or the surface does not have the expression.Certainly,when some countries meet does not shake hand,for example Japan often selects the method which bows,Thailand uses both hands to gather ten ways,the French uses the kiss the way,the Argentine not only kisses and hugs,the man kisses the woman,the woman kisses the woman,but the man does not kiss the man.But in the majority African countries,the custom greets long time with the body to place the hand on visitor's shoulder.Uses He Zhong as for the choice to meet the etiquette,should regard the different culture to decide,does in Rome as Rome does is the best plan.
The instance 2:left hands cause troublesome Manager some goes to the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair to inspect,bumps into Japan manager and the Indonesian customer by chance is discussing the contract warmly.Saw factory manager to come,had Japan manager to be busy at to the customer introducing,because factory manager the right hand was taking the briefcase,then stretched out the left hand to grip the right hand which opposite party stretched out.Who knew also with a face all smiles the visitor suddenly smiling face to have nothing a moment ago,and after taking a seat,also has lost the enthusiasm which formerly bargained back and forth,then declared in just a little bit had other appointments,left the stall anxiously.the instance analyzes:In the Moslem state,the left hand cannot use for to be engaged in like the signature,the handshake,to take food and so on clean work,will otherwise be regarded as will be the uncouthly performance,because the left hand will use generally for to do the unclean matter.This commercial negotiations defeat,is because factory manager does not find out this cultural difference,but has used shakes hand to the Chinese acceptable left hand and opposite party.