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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/26 16:10:42
《A Tale of Two Cities》(双城记)
"A Tale of Two Cities" begins in 1775, with Mr. Lorry, a respectable London banker, meeting Lucie Manette in Paris, where they recover Lucie's father, a doctor, and mentally enfeebled by an unjust and prolonged imprisonment in the Bastille. This assemblage, on their journey back to England, meets Charles Darnay, an immigrant to England from France who makes frequent trips between London and Paris. Upon their return to England, Darnay finds himself on trial for spying for France and in league with American revolutionaries. His attorney, Stryver, and Stryver's obviously intelligent, if morally corrupt and debauched, assistant, Sydney Carton, manage to get Darnay exonerated of the charges against him. Darnay, a self-exiled former French aristocrat, finds himself compelled to return to France in the wake of the French Revolution, drawing all those around him into a dangerous scene.
Dickens portrays the French Revolution simplistically, but powerfully, as a case of downtrodden peasants exacting a harsh revenge against an uncaring aristocratic, even feudal, system. The Defarge's, a wine merchant and his wife, represent the interests of the lower classes, clouded by hatred after generations of misuse. Darnay, affiliated by birth with the French aristocracy, is torn between sympathy for his native country in its suffering, and his desire to be free of his past.
"A Tale of Two Cities" is a novel driven by historical circumstance and plot, much like the works of Sir Walter Scott, wherein the characters themselves assert less agency, finding themselves forced to deal with the tide of epic events. Richard Maxwell's introduction to this newest Penguin edition does a good job outlining the themes of doubling and literary influence that Dickens works with. One specific influence I discerned in reading "A Tale" that Maxwell doesn't metion is Edmund Burke's "Reflections on the Revolution in France," which if nothing else, gives the feeling that the rampant violence of the early revolution and the later Reign of Terror has brought about an irreversible change in human nature. While Dickens remains cautiously optimistic throughout the novel that France can recover, the tone of the novel speaks to the regression of humanity into a more feral, primal state, rather than advertise any real hope for its enlightened progress.
Despite the supposed dichotomy between England and France in the novel, Dickens seems to suggest throughout that there are no real differences, due to the way that human nature is consistently portrayed. With England in between two revolutions, American and French, Lucie's sensitivity early in the novel to hearing the "echoing" footsteps of unseen multitudes indicates a palpable fear that the "idyllic" or "pastoral" England he tries to portray is not exempt from the social discontent of America or France. In this light, stolid English characters like Miss Pross, Jerry Cruncher, and Jarvis Lorry appear to almost overcompensate in their loyalty to British royalty. In a novel that deals with death, religion, mental illness, I could go on and on for a week, but I won't. One of those novels whose famous first and last lines are fixed in the minds of people who've never even read it, "A Tale of Two Cities" demands to be read and admired.
1757年12月的一个月夜,寓居巴黎的年轻医生梅尼特(Dr.Manette)散步时,突然被厄弗里蒙地侯爵(Marquis St. Evremonde)兄弟强迫出诊.在侯爵府第中,他目睹一个发狂的绝色农妇和一个身受剑伤的少年饮恨而死的惨状,并获悉侯爵兄弟为了片刻淫乐杀害他们全家的内情.他拒绝侯爵兄弟的重金贿赂,写信向朝廷告发.不料控告信落到被告人手中,医生被关进巴士底狱,从此与世隔绝,杳无音讯.两年后,妻子心碎而死.幼小的孤女路茜(Lucie Manette)被好友劳雷(Jarvis Lorry)接到伦敦,在善良的女仆普洛斯(Miss Pross)抚养下长大.
18年后,梅尼特医生获释.这位精神失常的白发老人被巴黎圣安东尼区的一名酒贩、他旧日的仆人德法奇(Defarge)收留.这时,女儿路茜已经成长,专程接他去英国居住.旅途上,他们邂逅法国青年查理·代尔纳(Charles Darnay),受到他的细心照料. 原来代尔纳就是侯爵的儿子.他憎恨自己家族的罪恶,毅然放弃财产的继承权和贵族的姓氏,移居伦敦,当了一名法语教师.在与梅尼特父女的交往中,他对路茜产生了真诚的爱情.梅尼特为了女儿的幸福,决定埋葬过去,欣然同意他们的婚事. 在法国,代尔纳父母相继去世,叔父厄弗里蒙地侯爵继续为所欲为.当他那狂载的马车若无其事地轧死一个农民的孩子后,终于被孩子父亲用刀杀死.一场革命的风暴正在酝酿之中,德法奇的酒店就是革命活动的联络点,他的妻子不停地把贵族的暴行编织成不同的花纹,记录在围巾上,渴望复仇.
就在这时,一直暗暗爱慕路茜的律师助手卡尔登(Sydney Carton)来到巴黎,买通狱卒,混入监狱,顶替了代尔纳,梅尼特父女早已准备就绪,代尔纳一到,马上出发.一行人顺利地离开法国. 德法奇太太(Madame Defarge)在代尔纳被判决后,又到梅尼特住所搜捕路茜及其幼女,在与普洛斯的争斗中,因枪支走火而毙命.而断头台上,卡尔登为了爱情,从容献身.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
这是我一生中最乐意做的事 这里是我最好的安息之所.
It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done;
it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.