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英语翻译I knew that she —47—her family and was all by herself.No

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 06:18:30
I knew that she —47—her family and was all by herself.Now,I am sure that almost everybody has been lost in a department store or —48— big before and
was lost,I —51— her a smile card I just bought.
47(C) A.hated B.raised C.lost D.lived
48(A) A.somewhere B.something C.everywhere D.everything
49(B) A.If B.As C.So D.Or
50(B) A.important B.wrong C.strange D.different
51(B) A.lent B.gave C.sent D.posted
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I knew that she —47—her family and was all by herself.Now,I am sure that almost everybody has been lost in a department store or —48— big before and we all know that feeling.—49— I went up to her and asked what was —50— and in between tears she told me she was lost,I —51— her a smile card I just bought.
短文改回来了- -
47题的lost 表示走丢了 从最后一句话she told me she was lost可以得出
48题的somewhere 表示某个不确定的地方
49题的as 引导了一个时间状语从句,相当于when
50题的wrong 是固定用法 what' wrong?发生了什么(不好的)事?
51题的gave 是give的过去式,根据上下文可以推测 是我给了她一张微笑卡