作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 06:25:30
例:A traffic policeman reported-----an old lady risk driving very fast on the highway.横线上填啥?
report:[ ri'pɔ:t ]
Ⅰ(-ed[-id];ing[-iη])vt.&vi.①报告;汇报;报道:the discovery of a new plant报告发现新行星/It is ed that another earth satellite has been put into orbit.据报道另一颗地球卫星已被射入轨道.②传说;转述:It is ed that…据说……/~ed speech【语】间接引语.③告发,揭发(某人或其行为):He ed the boy (to the head teacher)(for making a noise.)他(向校长)告发这男孩(吵闹).④记录;采访:a speech 记录一篇讲话.⑤(使)报到:(oneself) at a new post到新岗位报到.
Ⅱ(-s[-s])n.①【C】报告;汇报:make a 作报告/a school 学校的成绩报告单.②【U;C】传说;传闻:the goes that…据传说…… ③【U】声誉;名声:be of good(ill)~声誉好(不好) \\\~able a.1值得报告的:2应该报告的
report与report to的区别:
report 报告;后接动名词、从句、带不定式的复合宾语,但不直接跟动词不定式
report to 向……汇报(to为介词)
I shall roport to you.我将向你汇报.
I shall report you.我要告发你.