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英语翻译Intro这段故事的主要main idea 是描述一个贫穷家庭的幸福 就算家庭不怎麼富裕他们仍然用一种精神上的美

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/29 08:32:59
这段故事的主要main idea 是描述一个贫穷家庭的幸福 就算家庭不怎麼富裕
他们仍然用一种精神上的美好去欺骗自己,父亲带给小女孩的礼物 让她感到非常幸福开心但她遗失了她所珍爱的东西是她是悲痛的因为那有可能是世界上唯一一个音乐盒 故事中的音乐盒是女孩微小的幸福吧 当遗失重要的东西时你的感觉是什麼?我们必须认真思考得到什麼是珍贵的在我们的生活中 一旦珍贵的东西失去了 有可能再也找不回来
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最幸福 最开心的 最得来不易的事是什麼?最遗憾 最难过的是又是什麼
最开心的事是你拥有朋友 家人或恋人给你的特别的东西 有很重大的意义给你的最难过也是最遗憾的是是你失去了你觉得最珍贵的东西有可能是世界上唯一一个的东西再也找不到在其他地方同样一个东西
作者使用了象徵symbolism来叙述故事 我认为故事中的音乐盒意义重大可以代表一个纯真的心也可以代表父亲的爱当故事中的小女孩失去了她珍爱的音乐盒她是非常悲痛无法接受的 (…..quote….) 因为她失去了她父亲给她的爱也失去了 单纯的心 直到後来才在垃圾堆中找到虽然已经碎裂的音乐盒她才有了最後的希望代表著她还是找到并没有失去父亲的爱和一颗单纯的心
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你从来都不会知道什麼是真的 什麼又是假的 在这个世界上
当你得到一件东西是非常容易的 但相反的 容易得到 也更容易失去珍贵的东西
作者硕造的characterization人物描述和plot非常特别和令人印象深刻在故事中小女孩 Bekey 是个天真单纯浪漫又可爱的孩子她非常爱她爸爸 所以努力尝试著学习法语因为她爸爸在巴黎工作讲法语她想用法语和她爸爸沟通肯为了她爸爸努力.当她爸爸回来给她带来了礼物一个漂亮的音乐盒她是非常高兴兴奋的因为这个音乐盒是她爸爸给她特地从巴黎带回的礼物所以她很珍惜爱护这个音乐盒因为太高兴太喜欢这个音乐盒了所以当隔天她母亲告诉她说她的音乐盒已经坏了碎了她整个受到打击难过的无法接受事实和上学去 我认为作者硕造的故事中的脚色母亲是有点不负责任的和总是活在自己的世界里的总是喜欢孤独的坐在餐桌前吸著菸想事情 如果她可以让她女儿自己保管她的音乐盒可能是因为家庭不是很富裕的关系吧女孩总是充满了幻想想著她爸爸会给她带来什麼礼物因为很深的期待所以当她收到漂亮的音乐盒时
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作者所创造的 dialogue 在故事里 是非常扑朔迷离和神秘的在故事中当女孩问她母亲她的音乐盒呢她的母亲回答一遍又一遍音乐盒是已经坏掉分裂的小女孩不相信所以不停地追问直到後来才在垃圾堆里找到已经破碎的音乐盒我们都很怀疑到底小女孩的音乐盒发生了什麼事?是谁弄坏 分裂这个音乐盒的 很遗憾的 作者并没有给答案很明显的作者让我们自己发挥想像力去想这个音乐盒发生了什麼事
作者所创造的 dialogue 叙述了故事中的小女孩是多麼兴奋高兴和珍惜地玩著她父亲送她的音乐盒因为太爱这个音乐盒了 所以当她发现失去音乐盒时 哭得很伤心 很难过 因为爱的越深受到的伤害越大我想就是在描述这个小女孩 她根本不知道收到音乐盒的隔天会发生这样的事 如果他知道的话 想必会更好好保护 珍惜这个音乐盒的吧
但从这个文章中 学到 要好好珍惜把握当下拥有的东西
因为你有可能就在下一秒钟 就失去它
失去珍贵 宝贝的东西 是很痛苦的
因为那有可能是独一无二 再也找不到的东西 用钱也买不到的重要事物
给个例子 你有一个很重要的朋友 因为你工作忙 总是抽不出时间来和这位朋友叙旧聊天相处直到有一天因为意外朋友过世了你为感到非常懊悔和悲痛为何当初不好好珍惜与朋友相处的时光呢
请帮我全部翻英文 尽量越简单越精简越好
若有不必要的句子 也可以帮我删减 感激不尽
The main theme of the story is a description of the happiness in a poor family. Despite the lack of wealth, they still manage to deceive themselves with an idealized spirit.The father bought a gift for the girl which makes her feel so happy; but she has lost this cherished gift, probably the only music box in the world and she feels so miserable. The music box in the story may be an insignificant felicity of the girl; but when you have lost something important, how do you feel ? We must seriously contemplate what is precious in our lives, and it may not be recovered once it is lost.

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What is the most hard-earned, happy and delightful thing? The most regrettable and sad thing?
The most delightful thing is that you have friends, family or special thing given by loved one which has great significance. The most regrettable and sad thing is to lose your most precious thing, probably the one and only in this world which cannot be found in anywhere else. The author tells the story with symbolism; I reckon the music box in the story has great significance, it represents a true heart and it can also represent the love of a father. When the girl loses her precious music box, she is so distressed and unable to accept this fact (quote:…..),because she feels she has lost the love of her father, as well as the true heart. Not until she has recovered the broken music box from the trash can does she regain the final hope, which means that all is not lost.

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In this world,you never really know what is true and what is false. When you obtain somethingeasily, you may lose it easily too.
The characterization and plot created by the author is particularly special and impressive. The girl in the story, Bekey, is a naive, simple, romantic and lovely girl. She loves her father deeply; as her father speaks French during his work in Paris, so she strives to learn French in order to communicate with her father in French. When her father gives her a beautiful music box as a present, she is overwhelmed with joy because it was bought in Paris. She loves and cherishes it very much. But the next day when her mother tells her that the music box is damaged, The blow she receives and her grief makes her refuse to accept the fact and refuse to go to school. The author portrays the mother as an irresponsible person, she always lives in her own world, prefers to sit at the dinning table, smoking and pondering solitarily. If she would allow her daughter to keep custody of the music box, this unhappy incident may not happen.

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What are the facts?You will never find the truth for the answers you see are like riddles. What really important is to seize the moment because you don’t know when you will lose the things that you cherish,
The dialogues in the story created by the author are very whirling and mystical. When the girl asks her mother where the music box is, the mother repeatedly tells her the music box has been damaged. The depressed girl refuses to accept the answer and keeps on asking until the damaged music box is found in the trash can. What is really puzzling is what had happened to the music box and who had damaged it. Regrettably, the author does not provide the answer; obviously, he wants to leave it to our imagination. The author describes the girl’s excitement and delight in receiving the gift from her father and she plays with it cherishingly. As she loves the music box so much that when she cannot find it, she cries so bitterly and feels so upset.
We don’t know what has happened to the music box, but we learn from the story that we should cherish what we have at the moment; because we may lose it in the next instance, and it is painful to lose something precious; something that may notbe recovered or bought, and it’s gone forever.
For example, you have an important friend, but due to your busy schedule, you never spare your time to be with him. Until one day, he passes away in an accident, only then you feel remorse and sad, regretting you have not cherished the time you had shared with him.