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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 20:32:24
《The Croods》(克鲁德一家,又名疯狂原始人)
In the recent filled with death and hatred in the flow of information,"the Claude family" quietly in the heart of man released a cure,it is full of surprises,can let a person forget the reality of extremely short and unhappy,both of film making,or the story,it is worth learning.The film director Nicholas.Cage carried out his style,make the figure exaggeration and reality,it is a good film worth seeing!
《The Ant Bully》(别惹蚂蚁)
Relive the film,also let me remember that Lucas,just moved,no friends in school,and neighborhood bully,but the anger out on the ants,the destruction of their nests,but the ants up revenge,with a magical shrink gun,Lucas will become the size of ants,and bring him back to the nest to live after this,Lucas,learned tolerance and compassion,the true meaning of friendship and appreciation and awe to nature.The movie itself is a very meaningful movie,let me be touched,understand the animal are our friends.Maybe you,there are people like Lucas,you don't know,but there,please be kind to the people around you.
再问: 把四部简写吧,大神啊~~~波波~感谢呐~~~~~
再答: 《The twilight saga》(暮光之城,综合) About the twilight is male Lord Edward Karen to the Lord Isabella Swan from the acquaintance, friend, love to get married and have children after a series of ups and downs story, film production companies filming with people consistently familiar vampire stock market, there are eye-catching, but the story is a bit old-fashioned, but making an effect love, in general, with the film flow. 暮光之城讲述的是男主爱德华·卡伦于女主伊莎贝拉·斯旺从相识、相知、相爱到结婚生孩子发生的一系列坎坷故事,影片制作公司用人们一贯熟悉的吸血鬼股市进行影片拍摄,却有吸引人眼球之处,但故事情节有点老套,倒是效果制作令人喜欢,总体来说,符合现在影片拍摄潮流。 其实我建议你看看原著《暮光之城》作者Stephenie Meyer(斯蒂芬妮·梅尔)。毕竟有些是电影拍不出来的,来段内容介绍: 贝拉将自己流放到了福克斯这个偏僻且终年阴雨的小镇上。她怎么也想不到,就是这个抉择,让她与他相遇在命运的十字路口。眼神交会的那一瞬,彼此之间已经明白,等待他们的,除了幸福的诱惑,还有危险的深渊。互相倾心的两人,在爱情与危险间摆荡,一起度过新鲜而刺激的每一天,就像久违的阳光一样,洒落在浪漫的暮光之城。 既然他拥有迷人的外表、超人的身体,又有看透人心的本领,那他究竟是何方神圣?而她只是一个天生运动神经差、皮肤苍白得像生病一样的普通女孩。相遇那年,他们都是十七岁。时间的轮盘对他是凝固的,对她却是飞速转动的。他的青春将永驻,她的青春终将腐朽,他们两人的世界,真的存在着交集吗?从亚当、夏娃偷食禁果开始,面对爱恨交织的欲望旋涡,人类总是无所适从。 亲,记得给好评哦~