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英语翻译摘 要农村养老保障问题深刻地影响着社会生活的各个方面.“十一五”规划纲要中明确指出,加快农村养老保障体系建设是建

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/01 00:02:19
摘 要
Rural old-age security issues profoundly affect all aspects of social life."Shiyiwu" planning framework clearly pointed out that the rural old-age security system is an important part of building the new socialist rural areas.China as a developing country,with the rapid economic development of rural population structure has undergone significant change,the influx of large numbers of rural young city,making the security issues more prominent in our countryside.The first part of the article from the income and consumption levels with analysis on China's rural old-age security in the way the status quo.Then,in the study the rural old-age security of abroad process and modalities basis,we can learn from their experience.Finally,analysis the problem of China's rural old-age security model,show that the traditional old-age security is facing challenges.And start the analysis from the realities of China's rural social endowment model,then make the corresponding responses to the establishment of the rural social endowment insurance,that is from the current level of economic development in rural areas,China should establish step and step rural social endowment insurance.
Key words:rural social aged security,foreign pension,pension insurance,step and step
The rural old-age security problem profundly influnences all aspects of social life.The Outline for the Tenth Five-Year Plan explicitly points out that to accelerate the construction of the rural old-age security system is the significant substance of building new socialist countryside.China,as a developing country,and with her rapid development of economy,the population structure has undergrone great change in her rural areas.On the other hand,the influx of young man into the cities has made the old-age security problem become more prominent in China's rural areas.
Firstly,this thesis expounds the status quo of China's rural old-age security pattern,by analyzing the peasants' income and comsumption level in China's present stage.Secondly,on the basis of studying the process of the foreign rural security and its pattern,putting forward some reference experience for the establishment of China's rural old-age security.Finally,via analyzing the problem of the pattern of China's rural old-age security to indicate that the traditional old-age security is confronted with challenges.and then from the angle of the reality of the China's rural social old-age security pattern,the thesis advances countermeasures for the establishment of the rural social endowment insurance,that is to establish a multi-layer rural social old-age security pattern in China,according to the current level of the economic development in rural areas.
key words:rural social old-age security,foreign pension,endowment insurance,multi-laye
英语翻译摘 要农村养老保障问题深刻地影响着社会生活的各个方面.“十一五”规划纲要中明确指出,加快农村养老保障体系建设是建 英语翻译现阶段中国正处于经济深化改革和加快建设小康社会时期,伴随着人口老龄化,农村养老问题凸显,农村养老保障已成为政府当 在《中国保险业发展“十二五”规划纲要》中明确指出,以下不属保险中介市场变革的是( ) 英语翻译浅析农村小学课程实施存在的问题中文摘要农村小学课程实施是近几年来一个重要的问题,从课程实施的保障体系、课程教学编 英语翻译中国对经济危机的十大措施一是加快建设保障性安居工程.二是加快农村基础设施建设.三是加快铁路、公路和机场等重大基础 阅读材料,根据要求回答问题: 材料一:在传统社会中,家庭是基本的经济单位,农村养老的路径依赖就只能是倾向家庭供养,家庭供 英语翻译一是加快建设保障性安居工程.二是加快农村基础设施建设.三是加快铁路、公路和机场等重大基础设施建设.四是加快医疗卫 英语翻译我国已成为人口老龄化的国家之一,其中农村老龄人口已占七成以上,加之多年以来,农村养老主要依赖家庭收入和土地收入, 运用经济生活有关知识,分析政府应“怎样安放农村老人们养老的焦虑” 农村养老方式三十分钟内追加一百分 英语翻译个案工作视角下的农村空巢老人养老问题研究 ——以河南省平舆县为例 摘要:随着社会的发展和进步,人们的思想观念与行 英语翻译伴随我国经济实力的提高,老龄人口逐年剧增,传统的养老模式受到冲击,养老问题面临着巨大挑战.这背景下,新型虚拟社区