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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/04 08:23:51
1 投稿信要简单介绍你的工作的创新性,这样便于论文的快速发表,当然也应该客气几句,让编辑感到心里舒服,主要是夸杂志好之类的话; 有人写coverletter,就是写上题目、然后说很荣幸投稿之类地话,也有人干脆把摘要全写上,这样个人认为不好,一定用两到三句话说明你论文“新”在哪,这个非常重要.
3.能写英文,就不投中文稿,特别是不投中文杂志英文版,好不容易憋了篇英文,还投到低水平的杂志,很不甘心; 最重要的是国内杂志要钱,而国外很多不要.自从国内某杂志告诉我他们之所以收我很高的版面费是为了他们的生存时,我发誓包括以后我的学生就不再投中文杂志了(如果要投,对做材料的人,个人认为金属学报不错,目前收费低);
Dear Prof.Dr.Editor ***
I submitted our latest work to your journal *** last November.I want to know the review process.If there are some reponses from the reviewers.Would you please tell me the results so that I can deal with it as early as possible?Please understand me that fast publication of our work is important for me.
I appreciate your contribution to the publication of the high quality papers.
Kind thanks to you for your care.
Best Regards
Yours sincerely
Dear Dr.Prof.***
I am sorry to make you in trouble.It takes too long for reviewing my manuscript (***) which was submitted to Journal "***".Generally,only about two months are necessary for the reviewing process on my usual submissions to other Journals.Hence,I decide to withdraw this submission.
I am sorry to make this decision.Please understand my condition because the rapid publication of my work is important for me and our group.
I hope that I have chance to get a rapid publication in this Journal in future.
Thank you for your attention and kind help.
Best Regards
Yours sincerely