作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/16 04:16:37
1.What are hurricanes?
In this section you are introducing hurricanes,and so need to include:
*An explanation of what a hurricane is
*A diagram showing how a hurricane works and what is looks like
*An explanation of how a hurricane forms,operates,movers and dies
*A satellite image of a hurricane
2.Hurricane Andrew 1992
In this section you need to include a description and explanation of the "like" of hurricane
*When it started/finished
*The path it took
*What effects it had on people and the environment-*physically,socially and economically;and in short/long terms
*The responses to the hurricane before,during and after the event
*Maps,photographs and satellite images to show these
3.Hurricane Mitch 1998
In this section you are describing and explaining,in some detail,the effects of and responses to Hurricane Mitch in Honduras and Nicaragua:
*When it started/finished
*The path it took
*What effects it had on people and the environment-physically,emotionally,socially and economically-in short/long terms
*Viewpoints and attitudes of people involved e.g.*Victims,survivors,relief workers,politicians,and organisations
*The responses to the hurricane before,during and after the event-locally,nationally and internationally
*Maps,photographs and satellite images to show these
4.Why were there differences in impacts?
In this section you need to explain why the impacts of the two hurricanes were different in terms of:
People e.g.losses,injury,deaths,emotions,ability to "start again2,compensation
*The built environment e.g.homes,communications,public services
*The physical environment i.e.Features if the landscape
*The economy
*Responses to the effects e.g.What type,who responded,when was the response?
5.what was/should have been the most appropriate responses to Hurricanes Mitch?
In this section you need to evaluate the responses (and what responses may not have happened),decide upon and explain what you feel were the best ways that Honduras and Nicaragua used/were helped-or should have been- to recover from the effects of Hurricane Mitch.This will consider points such as:
*Successes and impacts of responses
*Short-term v.Long-term effects
*Responses appropriate to level of development/Quality of Life
*Who was responsible for the costs
*Issues relating to LEDC debt and whether MEDCs should "write off" these debts
* A卫星图像的飓风
一级.最高持续风速 33–42 m/s 74–95 mph 64–82 kt 119–153 km/h 风暴潮 4–5 ft 1.2–1.5 m 中心最低气压 28.94 inHg 980 mbar 潜在伤害 对建筑物没有实际伤害,但对未固定的房车、灌木和树会造成伤害.一些海岸会遭到洪水,小码头会受损. 典型飓风 飓风艾格尼丝 – 飓风丹尼 – 飓风加斯顿 – 飓风奥菲莉娅
二级.最高持续风速 43–49 m/s 96–110 mph 83–95 kt 154–177 km/h 风暴潮 6–8 ft 1.8–2.4 m 中心最低气压 28.50–28.91 inHg 965–979 mbar 潜在伤害 部分房顶材质、门和窗受损,植被可能受损.洪水可能会突破未受保护的泊位使码头和小艇会受到威胁. 典型飓风 飓风鲍勃 – 飓风邦妮 – 飓风弗朗西斯 – 飓风胡安
三级.最高持续风速 50–58 m/s 111–130 mph 96–113 kt 178–209 km/h 风暴潮 9–12 ft 2.7–3.7 m 中心最低气压 27.91–28.47 inHg 945–964 mbar 潜在伤害 某些小屋和大楼会受损,某些甚至完全被摧毁.海岸附近的洪水摧毁大小建筑,内陆土地洪水泛滥. 典型飓风 1938年大新英格兰飓风 – 飓风弗兰 – 飓风伊西多尔 – 飓风珍妮
四级.最高持续风速 59–69 m/s 131–155 mph 114–135 kt 210–249 km/h 风暴潮 13–18 ft 4.0–5.5 m 中心最低气压 27.17–27.88 inHg 920–944 mbar 潜在伤害 小建筑的屋顶被彻底地完全摧毁.靠海附近地区大部分淹没,内陆大范围发洪水. 典型飓风 1900年加尔维斯敦飓风 – 飓风查理 – 飓风雨果 – 飓风艾里斯
五级.最高持续风速 ≥70 m/s ≥156 mph ≥136 kt ≥250 km/h 风暴潮 ≥19 ft ≥5.5 m 中心最低气压
别傻了,他没那么爱你英文怎么说 英语翻译帮我把这几句中文翻译回英文,并说出它的出处如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了.我不能选择哪最好的,是 本人常州的 求求别人帮我做作业 因为暑假真心没时间做了 英语翻译找人帮忙翻译一段英文,本人只是英语1级,我让朋友帮我翻译,他看了说不好告诉我,神秘兮兮的,别用翻译软件,我翻过了 英语翻译我确信,如果一个企业内部变革的程度小于企业外部变化的程度,那么这个企业的末日就指日可待了 这句话怎么用英文表达 英语翻译一定要准确!最好带回答帮我把回答的这段话翻译成英文!“是的,我们好久没联系了,你最近过的好吗,你的马怎么样了,还 英文好的帮我改改本人的iTunes账户因为用淘宝上的充值卡被封了,现打算给app客服回信申请要回账号,本人英语水平不高, 请帮我写2篇英文日记,平时的.最好不要那么长..简短点^.^ 请帮我把下面的文字翻译成英文 不要用翻译工具 最好是英语专业的人帮忙翻译下 谢谢了 多用点专业词语 英语翻译女主角 的英文翻译叫什么?我的辞典没电了!最好还有这个英文的全部意思! 希望有人能教我做这几题英文~最好是帮我做了.^ 英语翻译亲们~求求了①老师让我抄三遍课文 ②我希望我能帮你③我需要吃个鸡蛋④你最好别那么做⑤我听到Ann进来了(以上五个