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英语翻译For an exchange to take place,four conditions must exist

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 11:48:13
For an exchange to take place,four conditions must exist.First,two or more individuals,groups,or organizations must participate.Second,each party must possess something of value that the other party desires.Third,each party must be willing to give up its “something of value” to receive the “something of value” held by the other party.The objective of a marketing exchange is to receive something that is desired more than what is given up to get it.Fourth,the parties to the exchange must be able to communicate with each other and to make their something of value available.
An exchange will not necessarily take place just because these four conditions exist,but even if there is no exchange,marketing activities have still occurred.The something of value held by the two parties are most often products and/or financial resources,such as money or credit.When an exchange occurs,products are traded for other products or for financial resources.
An exchange should be satisfying to both the buyer and the seller.In fact,in a study of marketing managers,32 percent indicated that creating customer satisfaction was the most important concept in a definition of marketing.Marketing activities,then,should attempt to create and maintain satisfying exchange relationships.To maintain an exchange relationship,buyers must be satisfied with the obtained good,service,or ideas,and sellers must be satisfied with the financial reward or something else of value received.A dissatisfied customer often searches for other sellers and new exchange relationships.It may cost up to five times more to make a sale to a new customer than to an existing customer.
Maintaining positive relationships with buyers is an important goal for a seller.As indicated in Quality in Marketing,efficient and personal complaint handling is one important way to achieve this goal.Through buyer-seller interaction,a buyer develops expectations about a seller’s future behavior.To fulfill these expectations,the seller must deliver on promises made.Over time,a healthy buyer-seller relationship results in interdependencies between the two parties.avid Thomas,fonder of Wendy’s,indicates that the success of his business rests on repeat purchases.His customers’ expectations include good food,good prices,and clean restaurants staffed by clean,polite people.
The marketing environment of many changing forces:competition,economic conditions,political pressures,laws,regulations,technological advances,and socio cultural factors.The effects of these forces on customers and marketers can be dramatic and difficult to predict.They can create to marketers and also generate opportunities for new products and new methods of reaching customers
对于以换地在什么地方,四个条件必须存在.首先,两个或两个以上的个人,团体或组织必须参与.第二,每一方都必须具备一些有价值的是,其他党的欲望.第三,每一方必须愿意放弃自己的"东西的价值" ,以接受"的东西的价值"的举行,由另一方.客观的营销交流,是获得了一些想要的是多什么是放弃获取它.第四,各方交换必须能够互相沟通,并提出自己的一些有价值的资料.
交流应满足双方的实际成交价.事实上,在一个学习的营销经理,32 %受访者表示,创造顾客满意是最重要的概念,定义,市场营销.营销活动的话,那么,应设法创造和保持令人满意的交换关系.为了保持汇率的关系,购买者必须信纳该得到良好的服务,或想法,和卖方必须信纳有关的经济报酬或其他什么东西的价值.一不满意的顾客往往是寻找其他卖家和新的交流关系.它可能要付出高达5倍以上,以作出售给一家新客户要比现有客户.