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请问如果要考SAT,是应该现在背Sat的单词还是托福的?sat1000+单词 怎么背?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/30 15:28:30
请问如果要考SAT,是应该现在背Sat的单词还是托福的?sat1000+单词 怎么背?
我现在在美国上9年级,但是背单词 肯定是从小抓起,之前考过一次托福 发现单词量远远不够.后面还有sat,托福和sat的红宝书都有.但是怎么合理安排背单词的计划 到现在还是一头雾水的.希望过来人的哥哥姐姐们指点指点!万分感激!
it's easier if you were to buy the SAT prep books published here in U.S. For the verbal test, go straight to the drills and repeat them time and again systematically.
The most boring thing you can do is to go down the alphabetical list and try to memorize it, it's never an effective way to build vocabulary.
You're only a 9th grader, there're still plenty of time. Reading can help alot, too.