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英语作文 My Opinion on Watching TV

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/05/03 13:48:18
英语作文 My Opinion on Watching TV
You know when your at home or in school then suddenly you read how watching TV is bad i mean is watching TV really bad or good? Think about it...? Which side are you going on? People are always saying the bad side of watching TV there's a bad and a good side.
There are plenty of good and bad things about watching TV
I'm not here to tell you that TV is good and not bad or TV is bad not good. I'm here to show you both sides of watching TV
Who among us hasn’t spent time watching a show we don't like or knew nothing about, or flipping through the channels waiting for something to pop up after you look a couple times knowing theres nothing to watch on TV but still flipping through. According to the website Salon.com, “Sociologist Robert Putnam in Bowling Alone (2000) reported that in 1950, about 10 percent of American homes had television sets, but this had grown to more than 99 percent. Putnam also reported that the number of TVs in the average U.S. household had grown to 2.24 sets, with 66 percent of households having three or more sets; the TV set is turned on in the average U.S. home for seven hours a day; two-thirds of Americans regularly watch TV during dinner; and about 40 percent of Americans’ leisure time is spent on television.”
There’s absolutely no doubt that TV can be educational, but one of the consequences of watching TV is reducing how much parents talk with their children. And Parents child interaction can have a huge negative effect on a child life especially if they young.
Now, There are plenty of reason why TV can be good. First of all is simply entertaining thats means it can make you laugh, it makes you see things that you might never see in person, you can watch sports game and so much more..Second of all We all need downtime in our life, we all need the time of the day were its time to relax and just watch some TV. It means switching off from your work whether that’s paid work, housework or volunteering and letting your thoughts focus on something else.Personally, I think TV is great for this. Books are great too -but it can take a bit more effort to get into a good book. You can switch on the TV, kick back and relax with a favorite show. and return to your work, feeling refreshed. Third of all is TV can change your life have you ever watch a show and it really gets to, you can watch a show and it might get you thinking about your own life or someone else is life. Fourth of all TV is good because of the news. News helps you know what's going around and your area and around the world and it can help you to see what you can do and help your family.
  My opinion is that i think is good watching TV i think there should be less time watching TV because according to the statistics the TV rating has been going up and i think that time with parents should increase more to help the child out. I also think that parents should take more control of watching TV
  11 Reasons You Should Stop Watching Television Now
  Wasting Time
  It’s pretty obvious that when you’re watching TV you’re not doing anything else. Time spent watching television is similar to being asleep (although you will see some other consequences below). The question is whether you want to spend even more time in your precious day asleep.
  Missing Out on Social Interaction
  Every hour you spend in front of the TV is another hour you’re not making the most of your life. You could be playing with your family, hanging out with friends or doing an activity you enjoy. Connection is one of the basic human needs we all have and it will never be fulfilled by your television set.
  Programming Yourself with Negativity
  Just about every television show, from comedies to drama to reality TV and the news, is negative. If you look at almost any TV show there is a complete lack of positive redeeming messages. While there are exceptions to this rule they are few and far between, so choose carefully what you decide to spend your time watching.
  TV Poisons Your Belief Systems
  In comedies, we laugh at the stupid/overweight/socially awkward/racial stereotype/different people. The news is filled with stories of pain/suffering/disaster/death, and arguing and drama has to be about problems in order to create the drama. All of this is affecting your outlook on life and the way you see the world.
  It Creates Unrealistic Expectations
  Television distorts our understanding of reality. It’s filled with beautiful people doing amazing things and having great adventures every show.Ask any TV or movie star with half a brain and they’ll tell you that the images you see of them on the screen and magazine covers are completely fake.
  Feelings of Inadequacy
  Life is never going to be like a TV show and this can make people very disillusioned when they compare it with their real life. The messages within television imply on a regular basis that we’re not pretty/smart/funny enough. Our lives can feel quite empty when compared to the perfection of the TV world.
  Subliminal Programming and Advertising
  Make no mistake that there is only one reason why television exists, and that is to sell products. No one is producing TV shows because they want to create great art. Every single part of every single TV program is designed to keep you in front of the TV and prepped to buy the advertised products through traditional advertising or product placements.
  Television is designed to make you feel bad so you will buy products that make you feel better. It’s the ultimate in mind control systems. Companies figured out how to get us to voluntarily brainwash ourselves for their benefit.
  It Degrades Your Self Control and Discipline
  Thanks to the incredible psychological hooks that television uses, it’s very hard to stop watching it. We lose our self control and cannot turn off the television even though we may want to. As this continues, our self control and discipline decrease even further and the harder the battle becomes.
  The Health Effects of Sitting Down
  We now live a more sedentary life than ever before with most people having jobs behind a desk. We compound this problem when we go home and sit down in front of the TV as well, because the electrical activity in our muscles stops when we’re sitting. Research is showing even the most basic movement of walking or moving our bodies in subtle ways canmake a big difference to our health.
  We Teach Our Children These Habits
  Children are now being trained to watch TV and live a sedentary lifestyle. There is a lot of research showing the negative effects on a child’s development due to both inactivity and the influence of television. Your children will imitate your lifestyle. so any choice you make will be echoed in the generations that follow.
  Is It Really Relaxing?
  My personal argument for watching TV is that it’s easy. You stop working for the day and get to relax and turn off your brain for a while, but the reality is that what is easy for us is hardly ever the best thing.
  I also get to relax when I’m out at a kung fu or dance class. I get to relax when I’m hanging out with friends or spending time with my girlfriend. I also get to relax when reading a book, listening to uplifting audio or even watching uplifting videos (like TED talks or educational materials).
  We get one life to live and it’s up to us to make the most of it. Every hour of the day is an investment that pays off right now and in our future. Invest wisely and your life will actually be filled with truly beautiful people doing amazing things and having great adventures.
  It’s time to stop watching television and start living instead.
  How much time do we spend watching TV, and is this healthy for us? Why Do I Live Without a TV?