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英语翻译Though the subject of the kinds of tools used by the anc

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 16:05:07
Though the subject of the kinds of tools used by the ancient Egyptians to cue stone holds a continuing interest for many professionals and laypeople alike.the debate has to move beyond the question of what cut the stones to an even more crucial question:What guided the tools?The amazing geometry and precision of ancient Egyptian artifacts cannot be lost in the debate about whether a coring tool left its mark as helical or horizontal grooves.Though resolving this question is important,it would not be as important without the massive amount of contemporaneous evidence that demands another thorough examination of our past.When we attempt to answer questions of how the ancient Egyptians created their monuments,the most difficult aspects of the work must be identified and replicated to the same form and precision as the originals.Why is this important?For many people manufacturing precision is an abstract concept with which they have no personal involvement.Precision manufacturing demands strict adherence to a blueprint or engineering drawing.To replicate an object that is already made,it is necessary to make blueprints describing every characteristic of the object and to make sure that the copy of the original is the same.We are surrounded by precise objects,which populate and shape our environment,but there was a time in history when this was not the case.In less time than the whole of ancient Egypt's fourth dynasty (2613-2494 BCE),the period of one hundred nineteen years,during which the Great Pyramid was supposedly built,civilization has moved from a predominantly manually intensive agrarian Society in which the apprentice was unpaid and beholden to the master to learn his trade to one that trains schoolchildren how to live with technology so sophisticated and rapidly changing that often the children are called upon to teach their parents how to use it.My background in precision machining has given me an enduring and profound respect for what this dizzying progress of knowledge and technology has brought to our society.Over the years,scores of engineers and craftspeople have contacted me to tell me they share my perspective.One such engineer is Steven Garcia from Chicago,who visited Egypt more than forty years ago.In one of my discussions with him,he complained to me that I was not assertive enough in my treatment of ancient Egyptian artifacts and that I should be adamant that they could not have been produced without machines.Yet though I may not have been overly assertive in my beliefs on this subject,what I have written in the past has opened the debate.Since I started to publish my thoughts on this subject.I have continued to study the responses to my work as well as the evidence that has been offered to support the academic theories.
尽管对古埃及人所用的各种工具的研究都把线索集中到石头上,这也一直吸引着许多专业和非专业的人士对其研究,但是争论必须超越这些石头切割的问题到另外一个更重要的问题:什么引导了这些工具?古埃及艺术品中令人惊叹的几何学及精确性是不会丢弃在关于一个取芯工具是以螺旋形还是以水平形凹槽留下印记的争论中的.虽然解决这个问题很重要,但是它没有那么重要,重要到需要我们在没有大量的同时代的证据表明的情况下对我们的过去再进行一次彻底的检查.在我们尝试去回答古埃及人如何创造出他们的纪念碑时,这项工作最困难的方面在于鉴定复制品与原作在外形和精确度上一模一样.为什么这很重要?对很多人而言,制作精确度是一个很抽象的概念,抽象到他们完全没有个人的认识.精确制作必须严格遵守蓝图或工程图纸进行.要复制一个已经做好的物品,做一份详细描述这个物体的每个特征的蓝图是必须的,并且要保证复制品与原作完全一样.我们周围到处都是这种精确的物体,它们构造和形成了我们的居住环境.但历史上有一段时间,并不是这样的.在整个古埃及第四世王朝期间,在这119年的时间,大金字塔被推测在这个时候建立,社会文明从主要以手工农耕的社会,在这个社会里,学徒是没有收入并受惠于他们的主人来学习贸易,发展到另外一个社会,学生被培训如何运用复杂并经常迅速变化的技术进行生活,孩子们被要求教他们的父母使用这些技术.我在精密机械加工方面的背景让我对知识和技术的极快发展对我们社会所带来的改变有着长远和深厚的尊重.多年以来,大量的工程师和手工艺人联系我并且告诉我他们分享了我的观点.有这样一位来自芝加哥的工程师,名字叫STEVEN GAICIA,他在四十多年前就去过埃及.在我与他的一次讨论中,他抱怨说我在对待埃及手工艺品上的态度上不够肯定,我应该坚定的认为这些手工艺品在没有机器的情况下是不可能被做出来的.尽管我在这个问题上对自己的信念没有过度自信,我过去写的文章已经引起了争论.既然我已经发表了我在这个课题上的一些想法,我会继续研究那些对学术理论研究有帮助的证据,以及一些对我的研究的回应的想法.