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英语翻译1.明年我打算去巴黎度假 2.你认为十年后的生活会是怎样?我的生活会比现在好得多.3.对于我来说,提高英语口语很

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 14:26:11
1.明年我打算去巴黎度假 2.你认为十年后的生活会是怎样?我的生活会比现在好得多.3.对于我来说,提高英语口语很难 4.我十年前就会骑自行车了(用able) 5.50年后机器人将会帮人类做家务 6.别向父母要钱,7.该是吃早饭的时候了.8.他打电话给我时我在剪头发 9.飞机起飞时我们在操场跑步 10.他叫我不要和别人吵架 11.你收到过最好的礼物是什么?我收到最好的礼物是一条围巾 12.我12岁生日时,我父母给我一条宠物金鱼.(帮我翻译下上面的句子 语法要对!)
1. I decide to go on holiday to Paris the next year. 2. A:What the life like do you think after ten years? B:I think it would be more much better than I now lead. 3. It is difficult for me to improve my English level. 4. I was able to ride a bike ten years ago. 5. The robbort could do the housework in 50 years. 6. Don't ask for money from your parents,could you? 7. It's time to having breakfast. 8. I was having my hair cut when he was calling me. 9. We are running in the playground when the plane is taking off. 10. He told me not to quarrel with others. 11. What's your best gift you have ever been received? 12. My parents give me a pet goldfish when I was 12 years birthday.