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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/25 20:02:28
早些时候,由于奥巴马的前牧师就种族关系发表了具有煽动性的言论,使得奥巴马的总统梦受到了威胁.因此奥巴马这次没有选择躲避,他选择了直接迎接挑战的方式.Earlier,Obama because of the former pastor on race relations published inflammatory remarks made Obama's presidential dream is threatened.Therefore,Obama did not choose to escape,he chose to meet the challenges directly.
在有关种族关系的演讲中,奥巴马谴责了赖特牧师所称的美国特有的“白人至上”的种族主义的观点是扭曲的,同时他还解释了这类观点的起源,那就是由于美国种族不平等的历史.About race relations in his speech,Obama condemned the Rev.Wright referred to as unique to the United States of "white supremacy" Racism is a distorted point of view,at the same time,he also explained the origin of this type of perspective,it is that the United States The history of racial inequality.
但奥巴马说,他既不能抛弃赖特牧师,也不能抛弃他的黑人社区的同胞或者是他的白人亲属.But Obama said he can not abandon Pastor Wright,it should not be passed to his fellow black community or his white relatives.奥巴马此次的演讲没有任何宣传的标语和口号,他就是想集中强调已经超越了总统竞选的种族问题.Obama's speech did not promote any of the slogans and banners,he stressed that would like to focus on the presidential campaign has gone beyond the issue of race.但是他承认现在种族问题已经成为竞选活动中的一个分裂力量.But he admitted that the issue of race has become a campaign of separatist forces.
奥巴马说:“我相信种族问题是美国现在无法忽视的问题.如果我们把种族问题简单化、归纳化,把它的负面影响扩大化以至于扭曲了现实,如果那样的话,我们就犯了和赖特牧师一样的错误.” Obama said:"I believe that the issue of race in the United States can not be ignored.If we simplify the problem of race,summed up,and its negative impact on the expansion of that distorted reality,as if,we have committed Pastor Wright and the same error."