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英语翻译ISM—信息管理系统Meanwhile,all other actors of ISM will have th

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/24 14:21:35
Meanwhile,all other actors of ISM will have the same idea and will accept the authority of the superior levels.Therefore,the decision-making is apt to be a top-down mechanism,in which the superior body and the governor will play the most significant roles as “the ultimate" decision-makers.The ISM tasks will be management oriented,where the benefits of the superior body and governor have to
be taken into account explicitly.The main benefits will be in the area of constituting and continuously confirming their superior positions.The first question that superior managers will ask themselves will always be “what is in it for my supervising work?” Managers will also want to know the extension to which their supervising will be enforced or become more decisive.A design of ISM has to consider such benefits explicitly,or else superior management will become serious opponents of the concerned information systems.At the same time,the ISM will be administrative driven,because the contributions of the superior body and the governor will be closely related to the (daily) administrative and managerial processes.
Second,the strong UAI Chinese culture will fundamentally influence the
contributions of both the superior body and the governor.Since they would like to shun ambiguity and prefer ISM to be interpretable and predictable,it is reasonable toassume that both managerial levels will do everything in their power to exclude uncertainty and unpredictable occurrences.That will be the case for all four ISM task domains.Consequently,it is very important for all functions of ISM to be manageable,that the information of the IS is controllable,that the applications of the IS can be tailored or even retailored,and that the technology is reliable and durable,etc.All this should be considered as preconditions to gaining positive admittance and
contributions from the superior body and the governor.
Third,the low IDV in the Chinese culture will also strongly influence the contributions of both the superior body and the governor of a Chinese university.According to the findings of this research,the consensus information is highly emphasized by the Chinese.Therefore,the ISM task in the domain of Information Management deserve special attention,much more than is the case in western cultures.Superior management levels in China are engaged in assessing and controlling the content of information,as well as the access rights of information.They will be decisive regarding who should have access to what information.No information should be distributed if there is any danger that chaos happens because of the inconsistent information.The foregoing is typical of a collectivist culture.
捐款均优于体和省长.因为他们想顺模棱两可,宁可ISM来加以解释和预测的,这是合理的toassume这两个管理层次,将尽一切力量来排除不确定性和不可预测的事件再次发生.情况会是全部四项国际安全管理工作范畴.因此,它是非常重要的是,所有的职能ISM来加以控制,我们认为资讯的是,是可控的,该申请的,是能够适应,甚至retailored ,该技术是可靠和耐用等,所有这一切这应被视为先决条件,以争取积极纳和
第三,低的IDV ,在中国文化中也将强烈影响的贡献均优于体及总督一个中文大学.根据研究结果发现,这些共识的资料是高度重视,由中国人.因此,国际安全管理任务,在信息领域内的管理值得特别注意的,远不止是如此,在西方文化.优良的管理水平在中国所从事的评估和控制信息的内容,以及为获得权利的信息.他们将是决定性的就谁应获得什么样的资讯.没有这方面的资料,应该发给,如果有任何危险,混乱情况的原因的信息自相矛盾.综上所述,是非常典型的集体主义文化