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Maria’s Birthday 作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/10 12:48:54
Maria’s Birthday 作文
Today it’s August eighth. It’s someone’s special day in Maria’s family, I wonder who…“Ah!” Maria cries as she gets up. She looks at the clock. “It’s just six thirty. Why don’t I still have some sleep?”But then Maria notices that she haven’t got any more sleepy feelings. She jumps out of bed. Then she pulls off another paper of the calendar on the wall.“Today is my birthday. Yeah!” cries Maria. She run Kate and Jim’s bedroom and wake them up.“Mom, Dad, wake up! Today is my birthday!” cries Maria as she jumps on Kate and Jim’s bed.“Hold there, honey. We’re coming down. We are going to give a you-know-what. And this you-know-what is what you always wanted,” says Kate.“What is it?” asks Maria impatiently.“You will have to wait, don’t forget what your great-grandfather always says, ‘Ho ho ho. If you want to see what the good present is. You will have to be patient.’ Maria, do you still remember that?” says Kate.“Yeah, of course,” says Maria. “I’m just cannot wait, that’s all.”“OK, Maria. Close your eyes and count five seconds,” says Jim.“I hope they took a quick time giving me the present. And I also need to go to school and I cannot help thinking what is it,” mumbles Maria.“What’s that, honey? Did you say something?” asks Jim.“Nothing, I’m just mumbling,” says Maria.“OK, then. Here it is,” says Jim and Kate.“Wow!” cries Maria. “The Princess Rabbit Kit! That’s what I always want!”“We know,” smiles Kate. “That’s what we buy for your sixth birthday.”“Yes!” cries Maria. “I so so so so so want it before!”“We know,” moans Kate. “And you better eat your breakfast. It’s your most favourite: pancakes with maple syrup and strawberry milk.”“OK,” says Maria. Then she begins to devour her breakfast.Then, after a few minutes. It’s 8:20. Maria races out of her house and run to school. “Bye, mom!” cries Maria, waving to Kate and Jim.Then, Maria’s cousin Marcia raced to her. “Come on! It isn’t just Friday. But it’s also the day when we will have our last unit test. Quick!”“But today is also my…” Before Maria could finish. Marcia pulled her a little and run. She says, “Quick, or we’ll be late.”But have Marcia forgot her cousin Maria’s birthday? We’ll have to wait and see…Arrive at school. Marcia is still pulling her cousin Maria.“Maria. Happy birthday. Here’s your present,” says Marcia.“Wow. It’s the necklace which I always called it…Whoa!” Again, before Maria could finish her sentence. Marcia pulled her and right at the classroom door. Everybody who has been there were nervous. And they are also reviewing the words so they don’t get them incorrect.“May I come in?” says Maria and Marcia both at the same time.“Yeah, come in,” answers Miss White.Then, Maria and Marcia sit down to review the words and the sentences the teacher will test.“I hope I get all correct marks on my test paper so I can have a really happy…” Maria whispers to Marcia.“An you-know-what?” asks Marcia.“Right. I really really do hope. Hope you get a good point. Here. I give one of my Lucky Chinese Dragons sticker to you.”“Gee, thanks.”“And one for Morton.”“Thanks,” whispers Morton.Then, the test begins. Everyone was nervous.After some minutes. Maria, Marcia and Morton give Miss White their papers. And they’ve got all correct.“Yes! We all got the full score,” cheers Maria in her heart.Then, at the P.E. class. Maria and her class played basketball. But Maria says, “Today is also my birthday.”“Oh, we’ve forgot your you-know-what,” says Miss Smith. But, you better close your eyes.”Then, everyone get their presents for Maria. Then, Miss Smith put the birthday cake near to Maria.“Did I smell cake?” asks Maria. “With pink icing and six candles?”“Open your eyes and see for yourself,” says Miss Smith. “Tada!”“Wow, that’s the kind of cake I always wanted,” says Maria. “And the presents are also thing that I always wanted. Thank you everyone.”“You’re welcome, it’s your day and your birthday,” says Miss Smith.Then, everyone ate the cake. And Maria have a happy, happy birthday. And the birthday she always wanted. And it was the birthday in her dreams. She smiled on her way back home. And she said, “I love today. I love this birthday of six.”