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翻译一篇文章: 关税对国际贸易的影响求大神帮助

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/28 14:39:09
翻译一篇文章: 关税对国际贸易的影响求大神帮助
全文:关税对国际贸易的影响 (国际商务入门 作者:李左东 2007-10-29 01:44 ) 征收关税对一国经济和社会福利的影响表现在以下方面。 首先是对进口国消费者的影响,它提高了进口商品的价格,增加了消费者的负担。一方面消费者的需求量不得不因价格上涨而减少;另一方面消费者即使不用较高价格购买进口商品,也要以较高价格购买本国同类产品。 其次,关税可以增加进口国政府的税收收入,这些收入是进口国政府提高关税的直接动力,但这些收入完全由本国消费者负担。 再次,关税保护了进口国国内与进口商品竞争的部门。关税所带来的高价格,必然会使一部分消费者放弃进口商品转而选择国内同类商品,这将促进本国同类商品的销售。 最后,征收关税会引起进口国内的再分配效应。在其他条件相对不变的情况下,从理论上分析,征收关税必然使消费者的收入转移至生产者,征收关税后,生产者与政府的收入都增加了,消费者的收入反而减少,而且消费者的损失要比本国生产者与政府所获得的收入还要多,这部分损失是没有任何人能够获得的。因此降低关税,虽然生产者与政府的收入会减少,但对消费者而言是福音。
Impose tariffs on a country's economy and social welfare of the affected performance in the following areas. First is the impact of the importing country consumers, it raised the prices of imported goods, an increase of the burden of consumers. On the one hand, consumer demand due to price increases and reduce the other hand even if consumers do not have to buy higher prices of imported goods, but also to higher prices for their products. Second, import tariffs will increase the government's tax revenues, the income of the Government to increase the import tariff of direct force, but the income from their full burden on consumers. Third, the import tariffs to protect domestic and imported goods competitive sector. Tariffs brought about by high prices, will enable consumers to give up part of imported goods in turn choose domestic similar goods, which will promote their sales of similar goods. Finally, import tariffs will cause the domestic redistribution effect. Relative to other conditions remain unchanged, in theory analysis, tariffs so that consumers will inevitably shift to the income of producers, tariffs, producers and government revenues have increased, decreased consumer income and Consumers than the loss of national producers and the revenue generated by the Government more, this loss is no one can be obtained. So reduction of tariffs, although the producers and government revenue would be reduced, but the case is good news for consumers.