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1.gladly 和cheerfully 都表示愉快地.怎么区分?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 10:07:43
1.gladly 和cheerfully 都表示愉快地.怎么区分?
2.You _that office building after dark.答案是have no business entering .为什么不是have no business for entrance?
3.Across the river _.答案是lies a newly built building .new 干吗要加ly?
5.rather 和fairly区别
6.Jack scored 400_an average of 250 in a recent English competition.填against是固定搭配么?
7.This weather is _wen had this time last year.答案worse than 那这样不是有两个谓语了?我觉得是worse that
8.scenery sceneries scenes views 词语辨析.
9.The committee came up with a set of solutions to the probiems facing the area and has got _results.答案是instructive.可是effective为什么不行?
10.We all know that arrows are often used as +to show directions.
A signs B.messages.Csignals.D.symbols为什么选A
11.Susan is considered to be _,if not more intelligent than ,the other students inher class.
A less intelligent B.the most intelligent c.intelligent as well D.as intelligent as 为什么选D,其他干吗不行?
12.The silk cloth _smooth and soft.答案是feels .为什么不是touches
13.I think that the three months in the country have __us a lot of good.
A.made B to do Cgone D.done干吗选D
14.if you are not interested in what I am doing ,you __leave
A may better Bmay very much Cmay just as well D may be well to 干吗选C
15Tagged butterflies _were marked in Mexio have been found in the UNITED STATES.
16.有些词语变名词加ness ity之类的,有好多.有没有规律的?还有名词.形容词都在什么位置的.比如说be动词后面是形容词.归纳下.
17.ecomomy economic economics economical有啥区别.
1. gladly 和cheerfully 都表示愉快地.怎么区分?
Cheerfully 精神上显示出来的愉快
2. You _that office building after dark.答案是have no business entering .为什么不是have no business for entrance?
a) 句子分析
主体:You have no business
分词短语:entering building after dark 天黑以后进入大楼,其中building是分词entering的宾语,before dark是时间状语
b) entrance 是名词,不能带宾语building
3. Across the river _.答案是lies a newly built building .new 干吗要加ly?
a) new 是“新的”,与“旧的”相对而言;
b) newly是“最近的”,与“早先的”相对而言.
4. 有些虚拟语气不是真实的虚拟.怎么判断的?
a) 条件虚拟:在假定前提下对事实的否定,用在条件状语从句,如:
以现在为条件:If I were you, I would/should /ought to/could do…
以过去为条件:If had been there yesterday, I would/should /ought to/could have done …
以将来为条件:If I were/were to be/ did … tomorrow, I would/should /ought to/could have done …
b) 个人看法虚拟:用缓和强硬口气而提出个人看法的委婉语气, 用在名词从句,如:
宾语从句:I suggest that he do (用动词原形) …
表语从句:He is proposal is that he do (用动词原形) …
主语从句:It is necessary that he do (用动词原形) …
c) 愿望虚拟
if句:If I were you! 我要是你就好了.
Time句:It is high time that you got up. 你早该起床了.
Wish句:I wish I were always free. 但愿我总能自由自在.
Would rather句:I’d rather I had been here yesterday. 我要是昨天在这儿就好了.
Had batter句:I had batter that you were a girl. 你要如我所愿是个女的多好.
d) 祈祷、诅咒、口号 (但是第三人称勇动词原形)
god bless me! 上帝保佑!
Devil curse you!魔鬼责难你!
Long live … XX 万岁!

5. rather 和fairly区别
a) fairly,quite,rather,pretty这四个副词都表示程度, .在英语中这几个副词表示的“程度”相差很大.它们的词义按照上面的排列顺序,从fairly 开始到pretty 为止,是逐渐加强的
b) rather: 往往表示贬义程度,意思是过分如果(不适合) ,而往往表示宝义程度,意思是相当任何(正适合)
6. Jack scored 400_an average of 250 in a recent English competition.填against是固定搭配么?什么意思?
Against表示与…相反/相对立/抵触/相依/抗争/相比/对照等,此处的against an average of 250 就是“与均分250相比”,有鹤立鸡群的意思.自己找一些例句慢慢去体会就会明白.
7. This weather is _wen had this time last year.答案worse than 那这样不是有两个谓语了?我觉得是worse that.
A. 解析:这是个复合句,
a)主句——This weather is worse. 今年的天气更坏.
b) 比较状语从句—— than wen had this time last year. 比去年同期大城市曾经有过的(天气).
B. 两个句子各有一个属于自己的谓语动词was和had;
C. than换成that一是没有了比较结构,二是不仅关系代词没有所指代的先行词,重要的事句子不通.
8. scenery sceneries scenes views 词语辨析.
A. scenery:自然景色, 舞台布景
B. sceneries: scenery的复数形式
C. scenes:观察者看到的东西,一行为或事件的发生地,舞台场景
D. views::从一个特定位置或者角度看到的场景或远景
9. The committee came up with a set of solutions to the probiems facing the area and has got _results.答案是instructive.可是effective为什么不行?
A. 题目解析
B. instructive:传达知识或信息的、有教育意义的、有启发性的;effective:具有预期效果的
10. We all know that arrows are often used as to show directions.
A. signs::传达消息或命令的动作或标记
B. messages:从一地传到另一地的以书面、信号或其他方式传送的较短的消息.
C. signals:一种用作通讯交流手段的信号
11. Susan is considered to be _, if not more intelligent than, the other students in her class. 为什么选D,其他干吗不行?
a) if not more intelligent than 等于 if Susan is not more intelligent than the other students in her class. 如果不必其他同学聪明
b) Susan is considered to be as intelligent as the other students in her class. 那么就一样聪明.
A. less intelligent
B. the most intelligent
C. intelligent as well
D. as intelligent as
12.The silk cloth _smooth and soft.答案是feels .为什么不是touches
A. 解析:smooth and soft是形容词,说明稠布的特征,需要系动词去说明,而touch不属于系动词范畴
B. 系动词包括
a. be
b. 表示感觉的动词look, seem, appear, feel, shound, smell, taste
c. 表示变化的动词:go, come, turn, get, become, change等
d. 表示保持性状的动词:keep, reserve, mainten, preserve, rest
13. I think that the three months in the country have __us a lot of good.
A.made B to do C. gone D. done干吗选D
A. 习惯用语do sb. good意思是对某人好处,选项中只有B和D符合条件;
B. 题目解析:
a)that从句中主语部分是the three months in the country(在这个国家的三个月)是一件事,
b)这件事情不可能会have to do us good (不得不对我们又好处) ,have done us good (这件事已经对我们有了好处) 正好符合题意.
14. If you are not interested in what I am doing, you __leave
A. may better: 只有may leave (可以离开) 或 had better leeave (最好离开)才能正确;
B. may very much:副词 very much说明 may leave的程度,逻辑上说不过去;
C. may just as well:just as well 意思是“无妨”,“不感兴趣,离开无妨”
D. may be well to:well用作be 的表语意思是“身体好”,“不感兴趣,可以健康的离开”,语义不通.
15. Tagged butterflies _were marked in Mexio have been found in the UNITED STATES.
A. 主句:Tagged butterflies have been found in the UNITED STATES
B. 定语从句:which were marked in Mexio 其中which是关系代词,指代butterflies.
16. 有些词语变名词加ness ity之类的,有好多.有没有规律的?还有名词.形容词都在什么位置的.比如说be动词后面是形容词.归纳下.
A. 构词法中的派生
a) 形容词加后缀ness转化为名词,如happy—happiness, busy—business, good—goodness, bitter—bitterness, tired—tiredness, new—newness,
b) 形容词加后缀ity或ty转化为名词,表示性质、状态或程度,如major—majority, probable—probability, pure—purity, real—reality,difficult—difficulty.
B. 名词或形容词的位置问题太大,不同的语法成分处于不同的位置:
a) 名词主要用作主语、宾语和表语,也可以作定语
b) 形容词用作定语、表语和补足语,定语有前置和后置之分,表语用在系动词后,补足语用在宾语后.
C. 系动词be后面的形容词叫做表语,用来表示主语的特征或状态:
17. ecomomy economic economics economical有啥区别.
economical 形容词,节俭的,节省的