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(一)每日一题:请选出这道题的最佳答案 .

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 18:30:21
(一)每日一题:请选出这道题的最佳答案 .
After giving me a run down on the corporate reorganization plan,John explained to me why he feels he is behind the eight ball.
It suggests that:
A.John has everything under control.
B.John will probably be moving up the ladder.
C.John is thinking about quitting his job.
D.John may be in a awkward situation.
...请解释"behind the eight ball"这句俚语的典故.
Apposite adj;
— Being of striking appropriateness and relevance; very applicable; apt.
As we survey Jewish history as a whole from the vantage point of the late twentieth century,Judah Halevi's phrase "prisoner of hope" seems entirely apposite .
Behind the eight ball 凶多吉少
这个习惯用语来自台球.彩色台球上有1到15的编号.有一种玩法是必须按照编号顺序把球击入球囊,但是黑色的八号球,也就是eight ball例外. Eight ball得最后被击入球囊.即使是打出的母球过早碰撞了eight ball,打球的人也得失分,甚至会输.
要是在打球的时候你的母球不巧正滚到eight ball背后,也就是behind the eight ball,那你就凶多吉少了.
大约在1920年左右,behind the eight ball被人们广泛用来描述任何得胜希望渺茫的境况.