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英语翻译“We make a living with what we get,but we make a life wi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/25 18:14:40
“We make a living with what we get,but we make a life with what we give.” —Winston Churchill I believe this saying.I have been 36 at the Boston Children’s Hospital every year since I was thirteen.At the beginning,I only wanted to go 37 I would make fun with children at the hospital.After giving my time for 40 months,my life has been changed 38 . When I first 39 into the waiting room on the ground floor,I was very 40 that I would be spending my whole summer with kids.As I got used to showing up every day at 8 a.m.,many kids began to 41 me.To my surprise,I began looking forward to seeing their happy faces as well.They were always excited about 42 .My heart warmed every time I heard their excited voices asking me for a story or an answer to a question.I felt 43 and no one could take my place.I look back,I see the influence that these special children have had on me.It is because of them that I have 44 a strong wish to become a psychologist,a person who studies the science of children’s mind.Recently,I have been asked to help out on many different floors 45 the waiting room where I started.The kids on the floors above are usually there for a longer time.With their worries and wishes to get better and go home,they always offer me a 46 smile.I feel all the tiredness has gone after spending a day with them because I realize that there is much more to 47 than money.It is much more important to love and to be loved.
36.A.1iving B.studying C.staying D.volunteering
37.A.unless B.until C.because D.so
38.A.seriously B.probably C.immediately D.completely
39.A.1ooked B.stepped C.turned D.ran
40.A.worried B.exited C.nervous D.pleased
41.A.notice B.like C.protect D.prevent
42.A.smiling B.sleeping C.learning D.playing
43.A.independent B.surprised C.moved D.valued
44.A.developed B.remembered C.worked D.improved 45.A.in B.with C.besides D.before
46.A.sick B.bright C.sad D.pitiful
47.A.life B.work C.love D.family
36-40DCDBA 41-45BCDAC 46-47BA
40B我非常兴奋我可以喝孩子们一起呆一个夏天.从37的make fun 可以看出,他是想和孩子们一起玩,36说了,她才13岁.please 所表达的程度没excited深.
42C.他们很喜欢学习,这里的learn可以理解为他们很想知道些什么东西,因为后文说了asking me for a story or an answer to a question,即使现在回想起来,也觉得自己深受他们的影响.