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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/26 19:17:28
this pretty little spanish girl 那些是限定,哪些是描绘?
先说限定词吧,限定词也会分前置限定词,中间位置限定词和后置限定词.前置限定词有all /both/half/double/twice,three times,etc/one-third,two-thirds,etc/what/such(a(n))/many.中间位置限定词有articles:a ,an,the.this/that /these/those/my/your/his,etc/John's the boy's any each either enough every neither no some what which(ever) whose(ever)而后置限定词为one two three ,etc/first second third,etc/next last few(fewer fewest)/little(less least) /many much (more most) another several other such .这些碰到一起就以前中后的顺序排列.all the students/all other students/the other students/all the other students/all the three other students
如果是形容词的话,有个基本的口诀就是“限冠形龄色国材”就是按照限定词冠词形容词(就是LZ所说的描述性形容词)年龄(也是时间)颜色国家和材料这个顺序,当时背了一个句子是both the last two nice big old round red carved French wooden card table.背住这句话再有选择题对号入座就可以了.希望可以帮到你.不懂的再追加问吧,一同进步一同学习BY yumi 发发