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求翻译,求翻译people  often talk as if shyness is a disease or

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/26 06:14:15
people  often talk as if shyness is a disease or mental condition that can be cured.I prefer to think of it as an emotional disability.It's something we are born with and something we carry with us our entire lives.Thereare too many people,however,who seem to be determined to find some way of doing away with their shyness.In my opinion,It's a waste of time.I don't mean that  we should do nothing about it;quite the contrary,I think we need to separate the basic fact of our shyness from our ability to function in a social environment.  Look at one of the most famous shy people of them all.Johnny Carson.This man is painfully shy,yet for decades he made a living talking and associating with different people very night,in front of a national audience.Carson has never done away with his shyness,but he has successfully found a way to deal with it to the extent that he could he,not just a talk show host, but a legend among talk show hosts. Look also at Sally Fields,who has recently admitted her problem with shyness.This is a woman who has appeared in many films,TV shows and interviews,yet in her early years she was so why that she turned down a lunch invitation from Jane Fonda because she was terribly afraid of meting her.  I guess that our shyness is there because each of us is born with some insecurity and this insecurity prevents us from reaching out to others the way people with a more open personality do.As we grow up and become adults,we have allowed our social skills to grow and develop. But we are still stuck in kindergarten or elementary school or wherever it was that our shyness first took root in our psyches.
人们常说,害羞是一种可以治愈的疾病或是精神障碍.我更愿意相信它是一种精神疾病.害羞是我们与生具有的,伴随着我们的生活.然而,许多人都努力通过各种办法来克服害羞.我的观点是,这是浪费时间.我并不是说对于害羞我们什么都不用做;恰恰相反,我认为我们需要将害羞这一事实与我们在社会生活中的能力分割开来.看看一位最著名的害羞者,强尼•卡森.这个人极度害羞,而他主持了十年生活秀节目,在深夜与不同的人交流,在全国观众面前,卡森从不掩饰他的害羞,但他有一种成功的方法来控制自己的害羞程度.不仅仅是一个谈话秀的主持人,而且成为了一名著名的谈话秀主持人.再看看 莎莉·菲尔德 ,她最近承认自己有害羞毛病.这是一位参演过很多电影、电视秀、访谈节目的女人,而在她早年由于害羞而谢绝了简方达共进午餐的邀请,因为她害怕与她会面.我猜测我们的害羞是因为我们每一个人与生具有的不安全感,这种不安全感阻碍了我们放开心扉接受他人.当我们长大成熟后,我们才允许我们增长自己的社交能力.但是我们依然被束缚在幼稚园或小学里,或是那个在我们心灵深处第一次出现害羞感的地方.