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pick up的意思是什么?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:拍题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/26 00:47:15
pick up的意思是什么?
pick up
1. 拿起,拾起,捡起:
He picked up his hat and went away.
2. (用鹤嘴锄等)挖地:
The frozen water surface will have to be picked up by hand.
3. (跌倒后)使(自己)起来,再爬起来:
He picked himself up and walked on with weak knees.
4. (尤指偶然地、无意地、不费劲地)得到;偶然获得,偶然找到;无意地学会(技术、语言、游戏等);无师自通地学会;理解;懂得;意识到;注意到:
She picks up a lot of imformation.
5. 停下来把…带走;中途把…带走:
Will you please pick up my parcel at the post office as you pass by?
6. 把(某人)拘留起来;逮捕;捉到;拿获(罪犯等):
The prisoners who had missed from the place of reform through labour were picked up within 24 hours.
7. 增加(速度或冲力);增加…的速度;(发动机)增速:
We picked up speed as we went downhill.
8. (病后)恢复健康、体力等;好转:
This tonic should pick you up .
9. 中断后重新开始(活动、叙述等);重新开始:
The engine coughed for a few minutes,and then picked up.
10. (在广播、电视里)收听、收看到;(用雷达、探照灯等)看到,偶然发现:
I picked up Radio Beijing last night.
11. 找到(路线、踪迹等)并沿着它走:
The hound picked up the fox's smell and started to chase after it.
12. (从海里)救起:
The shipwrecked sailors were picked up by a passing boat.
13. [美国英语]把房间等收拾干净;整理:
Time to pick up and get ready for dinner.
14. 把(货物)装进车辆或船只;(车、船等)中途搭人(或货):
It's not safe to travel by standing at the road side hoping to be picked up by passing motorists.
15. 在运动竞赛中配合着…行动;阻止(对手)得胜;为保护(同队队员)而采取行动
16. (偶然、随便地)结识、结交(尤指结交与之发生性关系的异性):
He went home with a girl he'd picked up at a party.
17. 收进或接受(账单)准备付款:
It is the custom for the new wife's father to pick up the bill for the wedding.
18. 迅速地对(舞台提示)作出反应
19. 小偷小摸:
He picked up a passenger's bag.
20. 用现有的材料或已煮好的食物凑出(一顿饭菜)
21. (编织)补上(漏掉的一针):
It's very difficult to pick up dropped stitches in this pattern.
22. 恢复…的精神,振作(精神),鼓起(勇气):
A bite of something might pick you up.
23. 想尽办法寻找,四处收集
24. (生意)逐渐好转;使好起来:
Trade has been slack for the past year,but it is now picking up.
25. [口语]谋(生);挣(工资):
Besides his regular wages,the chauffeur picks up money in tips.
26. (便宜地)得到:
My friend knows where he can pick up a good used car for you at a reasonable price.
27. [口语]纠正,改正;训斥,责骂:
While reading this book, I have pick up more than one hundred printing mistakes.
28. 【高尔夫球】拾起球:
He “picked up” during the 1921 British Open in a fit of pique.
pick up
1. a light truck with an open body and low sides and a tailboard
2. a warrant to take someone into custody
3. anything with restorative powers
4. a casual acquaintance; often made in hope of sexual relationships
5. the attribute of being capable of rapid acceleration
6. mechanical device consisting of a light balanced arm that carries the cartridge
7. an electro-acoustic transducer that is the part of the arm of a record player that holds the needle and that is removable
8. the act or process of picking up or collecting from various places
9. the act of taking aboard passengers or freight
1. take and lift upward
2. take up by hand
3. give a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift
4. gather or collect
5. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
6. get in addition, as an increase
7. take into custody
8. buy casually or spontaneously
9. register (perceptual input)
10. lift out or reflect from a background
11. meet someone for sexual purposes
12. fill with high spirits; fill with optimism
13. get better
14. perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily
15. eat by pecking at, like a bird
16. gain or regain energy
以上来源于: WordNet